By Amelius on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 09:51 am: |
By Ole Enghave on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:13 am: |
Congratulations with a fantastic home-page.
Favourite book: Toward the Light
Place of residence: Copenhagen
By DIAMOND Jim on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:17 am: |
Congratulations on the launch of your site. I am impressed with your work (with a tip of my hat to your webmaster), you will contribute towards a new wave of people coming into contact with the light. VML has become global undertaking, your site is proof of this. WE are ready for this, things will happen rapidly now. If we help each other, we will keep our balance. Please tell your webmaster that the trend in North America is to set up coffee bars in bookstores, the customers will not be happy until we have our own "Ljuset Cafe", where we could sit and chat with other visitors (hint, hint ;))
Favourite book: Toward the Light
Place of residence: CANADA
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:22 am: |
If God exists, Toward the Light is bound to be Truth. If He doesn't - it would all be very, very hard to explain... Every person, believer og non-believer as he/she may be, will find subjects of interest in this book, and will be able to construct a better vision of the world, and of her/his personal life, problems and relationships. Mankind is full of doubts - Toward the Light has be given us to help us find the way out of the labyrinth of confusion. Never certainty and clearness was, is or will be closer to all of us. As Toward the Light shows the way out of war and conflict, it also automatically becomes one of the most important peace creating works in the world. So: Peace and lots of Eureka!-experiences to all of you!
Favourite book: You'll never guess.
Place of residence: Napoli, Italien
By A reader from New York on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:25 am: |
The most important book in my life. This book has become the most important book in my life. Among all the books I have encountered that claim to be authentic messages from the transcendental world, this is the REAL one. It is also the only truly logical one, and explains with great clarity the origin of mankind, man's relationship to God, how we evolve through many lives on Earth, how we are ALL God's children - of equal value - and how no spirit is ever condemned to eternal damnation but is rather embraced by God's love no matter how terrible one's misdeeds, and much, much more. It is a message that strikes a chord of truth, and will surely resonate far and wide. I could not recommend this book more highly!
Favourite book: Toward the Light
Place of residence: New York, USA
By Harry Prior on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:30 am: |
I can only say to those not yet familiar with "Toward the Light", if you are open to it (and you will know whether you are not) you will find it unique in human history. It brings understanding of existence as nothing else does or ever has. For those who already know "Toward the Light", another work, also unique, will soon appear in English. It is called "The Ring Bearer’s Diary" and relates directly to the content of "Toward the Light." It is "a journey through the human consciousness" and includes a detailed description of the construction of the great pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt as a symbolical representation of mankind’s striving toward the higher layers of conscioussness. This account has been brought forth by Danish author Peter Kjaerulff and is being translated into English by Ulla Stampe Qvistgaard ( of Naples, Italy, who has also translated "Toward the Light" into Italiam. You can read all about it on Ulla’s Web site, I am privileged to be involved in assisting with the copy editing of "The Ring Bearer’s Diary" and can tell those who have found "Toward the Light" enlightening that they will find "The Ring Bearer’s Diary" equally so. For anyone interested, I have also recently completed an "unofficial" linguistic editing of the original English translation of "Toward the Light", published in 1950. The translators were Inger Agerskov (daughter of Johane Agerskov through whom "Toward the Light" was brought to humanity) and Poul Ørsten, a Danish journalist. This translation is long out of print. I will send it in attachment form to any serious enquirer at no charge. The Light be with you all! Harry Prior, Tarpon Springs, Florida, U.S.A. Febriary, 2002
Place of residence: Tarpon Springs, Florida, U.S.A.
By Ginger Lu on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:35 am: |
Very grateful to come across the Books and would like very much to connect with people who has the same inspiration. Thanks.
Place of residence: USA
By Allen Collins on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:39 am: |
i like this web site
Favourite book: the bible
Place of residence: 124 N. Division Konawa OK, 74849
By Douglas & Smith on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:44 am: |
Toward The Light is a truely fantastic and priceless gift to us all.I hope and pray this work comes to the attention of as many"receptive"spirits as possible.Although few recognise the awesome implications of such a body of work,I'm convinced it has and will continue to bring great solace and hope to many more.Keep the faith and fare well on your journey.Nothing can alter the truth,nothing can stop the inevitable and eternal laws of Light from guiding and leading us all to God's Kingdom.Praise and honour The Lord,for He has given so that we may take...
Favourite book: VML/Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Place of residence: Oxford,England.
By Váradi Istvánné on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:47 am: |
Mit tettem életemben, hogy megérdemeltem e fantasztikus mü hozzám jutását? Köszönetet mondok minden egyes személynek akik lehetövé tették azt, hogy a "Haladj a Világosság felé" c. mü Magyar nyelven megjelenhetett. Egy mü, mely tartalma logikusan bevilágította részemre életünk sok és nagy kérdéseit. Ez részletes tájékoztatást nyújt: pl. a vallások sok téves állításairól, asztronómiai, történelmi, természettudományi, reinkarnációi kérdésekröl és sok-sok másról. Könyv kétszeri olvasása után érzem bensömben, hogy meg kell osztanom embertársaimmal e iratnak a nagyon sok, fontos mondanivalóját, hisz ez valóban minden egyes emberhez szól. Akik olvassák itt soraimat, és még nem olvasták ezt az egyedülálló müvet, kérem önöket: olvassák minél elöbb, hisz életünk hossza oly bizonytalan. Ne mulasszák el e könyv mondanivalóját! Megkérem Amelius kiadót, fordítsák át fenti soraimat Svéd, illetve Angol nyelvre az illetékes Vendégkönyvben. (Ausztriában írom és küldöm soraimat, remélem jól jön elö.) Mély szeretettel Váradi Istvánné
Favourite book: Haladj a Világosság felé
Place of residence: Kalocsa - Magyarország
By Mrs. Váradi on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:50 am: |
It is joyful to see that also the Hungarian edition of the book "Toward the Light" is so appreciated. According to the wishes of the writer stated below, we – at Amelius publishing house – will do at translation into English of her text. "What have I done in my life in order to deserve that this fantastic work has been placed in my hands? I thank each and all, who has contributed to the publication of the work 'Toward the Light' also in the Hungarian language; a work, whose content in a very logical way has explained the many and the big questions of life to me. This work illuminates in a detailed way the many and the big faults of, for instance, the religions; but it also deals with astronomy, history, science, reincarnation and many, many other subjects. After having read this work twice, I feel deep down that I 'have to' share with my fellow creatures the many important things that this publication has to tell, for the work really turns to every man. Those who read my lines and have not yet read this unique work, I request in all humility: read the book as soon as possible, for our length of life is so uncertain. I also beg of you that you shall not let this work pass you unnoticed. Love, Mrs. Váradi"
Favourite book: Haladj a Világosság felé (Toward the Light)
Place of residence: Kalocsa, Hungary
By lars on Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 09:50 am: |
since my first brother died by suicide in 1979, I looked and looked for books about death, what happens after etc. Then I found Toward the Light and that's it- I was "sold"!
Since then I have lost my other brother(suiside as well- 1991, drug-addic like my first older brother), my father in 1990( alcoholic by many years) and now my dearest mother in 2002-75 years old- cancer:-(
Although- and since then, Toward the Light have been mine "Holy Bible- if you can compare it with this cra.??
I would very much like to mail to other persons, who has the same believing as I have- TtL off-course:-)
the friends I have(left) here in Denmark, do not believe as I do, and I'm very alone because of this:-(
- do not have anybody to talk to about TtL....-and it's "killing" me inside- if you know what I mean??
I feel VERY alone in this world.. Partly, because I've lost so many of my dearest family(got 2 sisters left- but they live their lifes off-course, with their little familys and so on...), and many of my friends
I do believe that I have some soulmates here in the world( although I've lost a lot of friends to- but no of them was a "believer"), but right now, I cant "find" them:-(- Perhaps some of them is you outthere, who have been writing in this guestbook- who knows?????;-)
Toward the Light is a give- a present, to the mankind- and my hope, ass well ass yours I believe, is that the mankind- the people in the world, some day will understand what a great gift and a presours book(s), the Lord has offer us- but like the words in the book says: "It's prety hard to tell a boy what happens in grownd world- he vill first have to valk the line before he can see it....
I love you all;-)
Many greetings
Lasse- Denmark!
By G T on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 07:46 am: |
hello all
lifetime christian, new to ttl, familiar with the light as the Lord was showing me all along, and, indeed, confirmed with this original information. after i read through just the web site pages (still not done), all that i had believed without understanding, i understood. all the questions were answered. the only doubts i had up to that point were from religion and were cleared. this was the gospel message that rang true and, with uncontainable exuberance, i could share with everybody without shame. my faith on Him became assurety. He had prepared me for the last three years for this information, otherwise i might have passed it by or, as most who i try to introduce it to, shunned and bashed it.
new questions have risen. i haven't read the ?'s and answers so i appologize if i could have gotten it there.
are the eldest and youngest occupying all humans? are they our "souls"? is it supposed to be that, if i know, i should i be actively searching for my other "two by two", my "joseph of arimathea" or my "jesus"?
should i, this human, be searching for that human partner for marriage as well in this late date? if this is not my first time around, and i was already married, should i stay single for the rest of the lives unless i find that one again? i'm single now, 38, and never married this time around. i had given myself to the words of Christ when he was speaking to the phars. of marriage and they said that if it was one woman for life, it was better not to be married. Jesus said, "only to those whom it has been given". so has it been given to me not to be married? or is this more of my religious interpretation?
i have many others but even if i don't get answers, it does not bother me. it would just make anyone "feel" better if they knew that they were doing what they were supposed to do.
and to anyone looking for those indications, the light of His love has broken through to this spirit. and as much darkness i see, He continally suprizes me with those "flash of light" experiences. i already knew His love, but not in full. i knew as much about Him as most scholars of the Bible (i am unlearned), but that was part of the problem. reading through the information was like that last pound of pressure that broke the dam that was holding in most of the love that the Lord wants to pour out of me, making it possible for me to love practically and without limit. yes, friends, you "should" be over joyed, for that which you seek for is always happening. even in just thinking upon Him, i experience others receiveing the same love that He is always pouring out. i'm really trying to express what can only be experienced. i find myself sicerely going out to others for love's sake and not for obligation.
recently, i received three of those emials from nigeria trying to scam me out of what i was trying to sell on the internet. i would normally send a scathing and judgmental reply to their attempt at stealing. the Lord reminded me (again, as always) "these are family" "leave none behind" "love all". all the sudden i was typing a half page plea to repent, to stop sealing his own judgment etc etc (the Lord's love flows continually so i had to cut myself off at one page). i sent the same response to all three thieves. to my uttermost joy, one replied asking what i could do for him. what could i do but encourage him in the love and forgiveness of the Lord, in continued repentance, love every as God does, forgive as you've been forgiven, and right wrongs whenever he can and, of course, put in the link to the ttl pages i read. the Lord works!!
your brother
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Saturday, January 13, 2007 - 12:00 am: |
Dear GT,
Thank you for your long explanatory posting - it is always heart-warming to meet persons who have newly become acquainted with TTL.
I am certain you will continue your study of the book with the same interest that rivets us all, at the mere sound and taste of Truth that the work holds.
As for your questions concerning the identity of the Youngest and the Eldest, if these are the only "kinds" of spirits - no, billions of human spirits must be added to the total number of spirits. But you can read all about it in Ardor´s Account, Chapter 4 and in the Commentary, Chapter IV; perhaps on your first reading of the book the details given in these chapters have escaped you? Well, there are so many things we need to remember when reading the book, if we want to get a clear picture of our world - TTL is crammed with information in every line - it is a book you simply will never be finished with, so look forward to many enlightening re-readings.
Another one of your questions - whether you will find a life partner, when, how, where... well, read on, and pay special attention to the part that says, that before we are born into a new incarnation, God informs us about several possibilities we will be faced with in our new life, including that of the desirability of us getting together with a specific person. It is then up to us to have the patience to {i}wait/{i} for the right person - and to make the right choices that will eventually guide us to that very person. No easy task, as we can may conclude from present day divorce rates throughout the world. However, one hint I can give you, is to look for an openminded and truly searching person from your own country, a woman who is looking for the same answers as you. E.g. it is not very likely that a woman who is an atheist or indeed deeply and totally committed to any religion will be a likely partner for you! It is SO important to be able to create growth and joy in our home, for ourselves and our children - and this is only possible, if our spouse holds the same spiritual ideals as ourself. We simply should not make compromises about such important issues - by doing so, we go against our Conscience, and any step away from ourselves is a step away from clarity, toward the darkness, so... ladies and gentlemen, make your choice!
But - it is all more complicated than just a few words can explain - you will surely find all the answers you are looking for on your journey through TTL, toward the Light. I wish you luck and inspiration!
Lots of Light,
By gt on Monday, January 15, 2007 - 07:29 pm: |
thanks ulla, it was pretty wordy. i get excited. i must seem like a kid who just found out about candy. i ordered the three books and "letters of the lost brotherhood" (lost letters?) and am looking forward to lots of enlightening.
do you know anything about this site?
i already posted this ? in "religion" section.
By gt on Monday, January 15, 2007 - 09:18 pm: |
hello all,
regarding the above mentioned link, there are various links "hidden" in clicking the rainbow stripe and certain icons. i had to search around. anyone can let me know.
thank again,