By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 06:43 pm: |
For Colin
"My first faint memories – what lies farthest back in time – must be reminiscences of a time period before the earth was put into use.
Deep within my memory are images of fantastic, indescribably beautiful landscapes – clear, transparent lakes – meadows and gardens, where one may run around barefoot without being concerned about stepping on something dangerous.
My most vivid memory is linked to a waterfall in the bottom of a valley. It falls into a big lake, clear as glass that, farther on, widens into a gigantic waterfall only to cascade down into yet another lake. I remember how I love to fly over the waterfall in the direction of the moving water.
(Now, I have neglected to say that in these worlds one moves about through the power of one’s thought – this is the most natural way of moving around – of course, one may also walk or run, if one wishes to do so.)
I clearly remember the aerial approach along the river towards the valley – and soaring over the waterfall; the startling change of levels, as I fly out above it. I recall the sensation of speeding down through the air to dive into the crystal-clear water of the lake, where I move around just as easily as I do in the atmosphere above. Whether I am above the water or beneath it, I still breathe without difficulty. It almost feels as if the process of breathing consists of an imperceptible, reciprocal, exchanging action with the surroundings – not through the mouth or the nose, but through the entire body."
Excerpt from Peter Kjærulff’s “The Ringbearer’s Diary”, Book One “Wolfgang” (as copyedited by Diamond Jim)
Some of those writing in this Forum will smile – knowing as you are that I, one of the greatest “dream fans” in the world, could surely not resists this temptation!
This excert is dedicated to Colin – one among us hooked on the far memory of a childhood dream. Colin, the above description is not concerned with a dream – it describes real memories. I think your flying dream contains a similar memory.
Would the book of which you do not remember the title be Patricia Garfield’s “Creative Dreaming”?
More later on the roles of dreams in our lives. We do not learn much on the subject in VML, but there are some indications worth elaborating on. NB: I suggest we try to keep the subject of dreams within the bounds of VML information on dreams. (This is going to be difficult!)
By Colin M. on Sunday, March 24, 2002 - 05:33 am: |
Thanks Ulla,
Always nice to receive gifts. I really look forward to the availability of the Ringbearers Diary.
No, the book I mentioned in the other thread was a science book on Anthropolgy that I studied in university. I only mentioned it as it seemed relevant to that discussion as I feel the dreams of children are so closely linked to their homes in the spheres and have not yet been tainted by their experiences within their present life and the feelings of those children who seem to naturally feel the trappings of organized religion are abhorrent should be carefully listened to by adults. Even when first learning of that 'tribe' I had the impression that it was not just for the children's sake that this morning discussion took place.
I also found it especially notable that in that culture mentioned there were no words for murder or stealing or insanity/madness or violence as those 'acts' and illnesses did not exist in their culture and it does seem to point to the discussions held each day with the children on their dreams as being the direct cause of that enviable development.
Ah, Dreams. If we could only capture them and hold them with us throughout the day. How often have we all been in a bliss-filled dream and had to suddenly awake and then quickly tried to go back to sleep and capture the dream we were just having?
The dream I remember from my childhood is to me odd in that as far as I can recall I first had this dream before I was 8 as it can be positioned in time due to where I lived when I had it, and it is one that has not been repeated since but of which the the fragment I mentioned is still today fresh in my conscious mind.
The fragment is more like a picture with brief speech:
All I can see are the sky, some clouds, some buildings that are a soft white but rounded like an 'igloo'. The grass is lush and in front of me are several 'people' - none of whom I can identify but I know I know them. They are all 'dressed' or maybe surrounded by a light color and they are all 'standing' about 6 inches off the ground. I am not so 'standing' but am instead actually touching the ground and walking towards them as if I haven't yet learned how to do otherwise. The 'speech' component is these people saying "Hello Colin" (at least I think they said Colin. They did use my name and it may just be that my name was Colin that I heard that name), and past that moment I have no memory. As I say, just a fragment.
The flying dream 'fragment', I have often, and it is very real to me. I can feel the swoop and soar and I can control my movement and pause and I really like this dream - although at times it seems to intersperse itself into other dream fragments like one where I was in a helicopter along with a grizzly bear and while the bear was flying the helicopter over the hills to my home in Canada, I jumped out and flew on ahead.
I do wish there was more in TTL on dreams and it has made me wonder why such questions were not asked - or, if such questions were asked, why they were not included.
In some ways, this has caused me to think that as we go along in time and as more and more darkness is cleansed from us through our repeated incarnations, that our dreams become more vivid and that the more we learn about the Truth and the education we receive while in our true homes enables us to better access whatever it is in our astral mind that allows drams to enter our physical mind.
Perhaps it was because before the time of the Truth arriving on the physical plane the only 'dreams' of most people - unevolved and unknowing as we must have been - were still so filled with darkness and controlled by the Eldest that they were not considered by those 'having' such dreams as being 'questionable.'
And yet one can read in history of people having beautiful dreams so that seems a contradiction, and surely there were those who posed the questions during the development of TTL that had other than 'nightmares' that would cause them to ask such questions.
I look forward to the time I can 'ask' the question myself.
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Sunday, March 24, 2002 - 01:47 pm: |
Well, Colin, as you have already "asked the question", you are likely to receive an answer already in this life! At least, this is my own experience: each and every time I ask a question, I always, but always, receive an answer! It is merely a question of being ready to also accept those answers you do not really like that much. We can be wrong, in life, and we often are. The problem is often that of being able to admit we have made mistakes. But - we are human beings and as such we "blunder our way through life". We can only try to be constructive about it - like when a child is learning to walk on its own two feet: it is very difficult in the beginning!
As for your musings on the theme of dreams/nightmares vs. TTL, I can only agree with you - it seems as if not all questions on dreams have been answered. But perhaps there is another angle of observation we can assume. I am in fact quite certain, that any question posed on the subject has been answered. Isn't this the very foundation of TTL? The group of people surrounding the Agerskovs and certainly Johanne and Michael themselves, were encouraged to think up any question they would like to be answered, first on the occasion of preparing to receive TTL and later the request was repeated for Q&A. I do not believe they asked many questions about dreams - but those question they did ask have been incorporated in TTL, mainly in the chapter explaining the interaction between our physical/astral/spiritual brain. The explanations contained in the chapter (on page 291 in the English version of TTL) are very clear, but they do not encourage any obsessive attempts to try to understand our dreams better.
This makes me think that you are probably right, Colin, in presuming that the conditions of darkness of those times were hostile towards a clearer understanding of our dreams and their role in our lives. In fact, on page 291 this sentence can be read:
"Through hideous, obscene dream visions the disincarnated Eldest and the earth-bound spirits have likewise tried to contaminate the human mind and thought in order to gain greater control over humans."
Also, a few lines further down:
"But as the connection between the psychical and the physical brain is always somewhat slackened during the body's sleep, the spiritual self seldom succeeds in bringing satisfactory order to the chaos of the dreams."
It was simply not yet possible to communicate clearly to humankind how to utilize our dreams in a constructive manner.
Today things have changed. After the initial attempts of the darkness and the Eldest of twisting and distorting our concepts regarding our dreams, mainly through the works of Sigmund Freud - one of the Youngest incarnated as C.G. Jung - and succeeded in bringing some order into the universe of dreams. Today, other news are ready to be comprehended by us all - much is in the offing.
The approach to dreams of the Indonesian tribe you mention, Colin, is one that can only bring about equilibrium and sanity in human beings. In fact, the remarkable absence of dark words and concepts in that tribe says it all!
There is a lot to say, here...