By Colin M. on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 02:49 pm: |
I am so very sad that there are so few people that have taken the time to post messages here.
Especially in light of events taking place in the world now and the unabashed, unashamed and even worse - proudly reported and praised murder of brother and sister BY brother and sister, and the murder of father and mother BY father and brother.
The incredible terror that marks the litany of perversion practiced by ALL of Ardor's created 'religions' and those people whose minds are so weak that they willingly follow hate instead of following love makes me cry.
Will it really take another 10,000 - 20,000 - 50,000 years before humankind can even approach the level of civilization and understanding that religions are of darkness and evil? And that any 'religion' that sanctions death to support that religion's human created belief that they have the right to persecute and subjugate the weak of mind to the comfort and power of those in the religious cult's hierarchy - is not from God but from darkness? Will it take as many years for humankind to realize that to give control of their conscience to a politician and then hide behind the mantle of not knowing WILL NOT ABSOLVE THEM OF THE CRIMES COMMITTED BY THEIR CHOSEN LEADERS?
When I was fortunate in this life back in the early 1980's to be presented with the truths contained in the books that I to this day still keep close to me and that have travelled with me around the world - I thought in my naivete that surely in this lifetime truth would be able to break humankind from the thrall of the cycle of war and hate and fear that are the hallmarks and banners of organized religions and national patriotism.
Now I see that it is only getting worse. Fundamentalists from Islam, Judaism and Christianity - the three most perverse of the 'man' written and darkness authored religions - and the blind patriots spouting their belief in their superiority, daily visiting on their brothers and sisters the most hateful of crimes.
Foul nations drawing ever more and more darkness to themselves and then pontificating about their righteousness and the people crying out to false gods asking our Father to strike down his children in defense of these disgusting throwbacks to antiquity. All the while wondering why such terrible things are happening to them and at the same time blaming our Father for 'THEIR' crimes.
And where are those within these cults and political clubs that promised our Father before they were born that they would stand on the side of the Light in the face of evil? How they should tremble for their fearful following of the status quo and their ignoring of the voice in their heart to do what is right!
I get angry at myself because I too seem to be unable to hold back my anger and my tears. I sometimes in weak moments wonder why Father does not do something and then feel shame as I have the understanding and I should not have to ask.
And I know now that I will not see peace in this life and that the fear, starvation, murder, rape, violation of the simplest of human dignities that is spread by the religious cults and flag-wrapped patriots of the world will not end soon, and that in my next life and the next, and the next, I will still be faced with this deplorble situation - and I tremble because what if in my next life I am not exposed to the truth and I am swept up in the swirling cauldron of evil and hate that is religion - or am born into one of the horrifying countries whose political leaders get their pleasure from the murder of innocents and am thus taught in school that as long as it is my country doing the murdering it is a good thing?
The last comment in this forum was in September and it is now nearly the end of another year of constant war and hate and fear.
Now I am over 50 and soon will be going home to prepare for next time and I truly worry about what to prepare for.
I try to speak with love to my friends and calm them so they do not fear dying - but they are so wrapped up in the darkness that they have been taught in their schools and by the fat, sick pompous clowns that mark the executive committees of all the world's religious cults and political clubs that they see my comments as laughable.
You know the type, only one life and then angels and harps or fire and pitchforks or those that feel they will be blessed as long as they don't eat a certain type of animal flesh - regardless of how many of their brethren and children are starving to death while the animals walk the street - or those that seek to find pleasure in Father's eyes if they will only murder someone, anyone, that does not have the blind faith in their cult that they have, or those who spout catch phrases like 'My country right or wrong.'
I want to live until at least 2018 - I'll be 68 - to see what 100 years of availability of the truth will show - but - I fear it will show nothing save the passing of 100 years.
So I will go now and hold my wife who I love dearly and we will talk about our hopes for our next life and the dream we have that we will once again find each other (I travelled over 10,000 miles way from my home to find her this time) and that we will again be exposed to the Light - but perhaps earlier - and we will talk to Father and wish him well and apologize because we cannot seem to do anything to fight the darkness in the world and only a little to fight the darkness in our own lives. And we will talk about how maybe next time it will be the time to have children - because I certainly would not bring a child into THIS time and world and we both love children.
And we will speak with Father on behalf of those - (as if he needs our mention but we know he will understand our hearts) - that have seen their souls perverted in this life by religious cults and foul politicians and remind him - (awfully pompous of myself to think that Father needs reminding but it is only a word) - that our brothers and sisters are so young and weak and darkness is so strong and old.
And we will pray that the religious leaders and Christian, Jewish and Islam and Moslem and all religious fanatics in the countries everyone reading this knows, and the self-serving politicians in those same countries, will soon surround themselves with enough darkness that they will soon die and thereby saving the lives of many. And perhaps after they have once again awoken in their true home and learned just how terrible and disgusting they were in this life they will cry to Father and beg for the chance to make things right - next time - and then continue on the road to Father's home.
And I will keep looking here for indications that light has made a breakthrough.
Love to All,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 07:31 pm: |
Dear Colin,
I believe we are many who keep a constant eye on these pages in order not to miss any message that might appear, bringing closer to us other Toward the Light-friends from all over the world. I like to think that the lack of actually posted messages does not reflect the number of people reading these pages. Often, we lack words to express ourselves about the wealth of what we have found in TTL and its supplements - it is all there, for everyone to read! Especially we do not like to post here if we can only write about thwarted hopes and disappointment - at least, this is the sensation I have felt whenever visiting this Forum during the last four months.
But you have spoken your heart in spite of the negative moment, this is positive! Indeed, recent world events have been so horrendous as to make many of us silent. What words we have, we spend in prayers for the spreading of the Light. However, I thank you - and I know that many others will - for sharing your innermost thoughts with us here.
Among your many observations, you wrote: "...what if in my next life I am not exposed to the truth and I am swept up in the swirling cauldron of evil and hate that is religion..."
I do not think you need worry about not being exposed to the truth. I firmly believe - so firmly as to feel it as a certainty - that once discovered Toward the Light, we will unerringly meet with it in all our future lives on Earth. At the very least, we will be endowed with a much stronger sense of logic that will allow us to unmask the lies and the deceits of the darkness. This seems so natural to me - just think of the words of our spiritual guides: it is not possible to lose what we have learned; it will remain our the property of our spirit forever! Once discovered the truth, in any ambient, this truth will be with us always. Knowledge and insight cannot be undone. We may choose to remain in the same place for centuries, e.g. by not wanting to incarnate - but we can never go backwards, we cannot "unlearn" what we already know.
I would suggest that you try to "zoom out" - try to see the period of time that darkness has reigned for what it is - only one inch turned black on the infinite, bright inch-ruler that spans eternity!
I might continue writing for a long time. I recognize your despair - haven't we all been there? However, good news is on its way; something is in the offing, I am sure! Just think of last summer. Didn't you feel that wars at last were dwindling, that the world had become a smaller place where it is impossible for anyone to close their eyes on anything? That at last it might perhaps be possible to help, truly help our more unfortunate brothers and sisters out of their poverty and suffering, making them feel that we love them - and that this would forever eliminate the danger of fanatics having an easy time of turning them into vengeful, envious human weapons?
I could continue for a long time... I believe there is hope. And remember, Colin: It is always darkest before dawn. God has plans we know nothing about, yet!
Keep smiling and hoping,
Love to you too,
By Colin M. on Wednesday, December 26, 2001 - 03:41 pm: |
Dearest Ulla,
Thank you for opening a dialogue. I yearn so much to hear from others and I feel that this is the reason for having such a place to share.
Please allow me to continue with some thoughts.
You mention that some lack the words and that also makes me a little sad. Why fear to share with love? I am sure there are many who do visit these pages and finding no one else writing - move on and not offering their wisdom or exposing their own concerns about their present life.
Yes, many have the truth but if it is not offered to those that do not have it by those who do .. is it not wasted?
I can't believe our Father or our Elder Brother would want us to keep silent - even if it is to just do as you have done and warmed my heart.
Just a word, a Hello, a question, is that not what is needed? To share no matter what with any who will take the time to listen and offer their experiences?
True it is that since the Truth was made manifest in the physical world all are exposed to the knowledge before leaving our homes - but it is up to each of us in the physical world - when exposed to the truth and the books wherein that truth is contained - to allow it to enter our hearts and lives.
All those living today that have been born since 1918 were exposed to the truth and the existence of the books before entering the physical world and that includes all of those now killing and dying in the name of a country or a belief system, or cheating and stealing from those with less.
If I may, I would like to offer a story about how I was introduced to Toward the Light to show the part that 'chance' plays.
It was in 1981 in my hometown in Canada and I was visiting a new bookstore not far from my home with a friend. This was one of those so-called "New Age' bookstores filled with books on every imaginable - and to me now absolutely laughable - new fad or rewritten 'old' fad. The store was - as was/is typical - rather dark with wooden shelves and floors and candles and incense burning.
My friend and I both saw the one copy of Toward the Light that sat on one shelf - white and blinding to me in the dimmness of the store. My friend passed it by. I picked up the book and scanned the back cover and read a few sentences on the inside and turned to my friend and told him this was the book I was going to buy. He thought it would be interesting and so we asked the store clerk if they either had or could order another copy. I also asked if they could order the Doctrine of Atonement and Questions and Answers for me - but my friend only wanted the one.
My friend also let me take the single copy and over the next day I absorbed every word - some twice. I phoned my friend and told him I felt he should read it and took it to him.
About 10 days later, the other ordered books arrived and I took the pristine copy of Toward the Light to my friend's home for him - but when I arrived, he told me I could keep the new one if I wanted as he had read a few sentences in the one he had and it had not spoken to him the way it had to me. He had become captivated with the mouthings of some 'religious mystic' and immediately began to counter what he had read in Toward the Light with the information in the book he was now championing.
Still of course at that time my mind was still not fully exposed to what was now being offered to me - I only know that there was something here that I had never been exposed to before and even then I KNEW it was the truth.
For over a week all I did was read and re-read. I took time off work (I was a cab driver at that time) and I could feel my whole life was changing.
But my friend? He never came back to Toward the Light and I have not heard from him for nearly 15 years. He went on to be a minor musician and took a different path.
My family and friends - especially my family - only smiled when I tried to speak with them of what I had found. Perhaps it was because they had not found it themselves, or perhaps their upbringing - though similar to mine - would not allow them accept that there was any truth but the fears they had been taught since birth.
Yes! We are all educated in the fact that the truth is available while we are in our true homes - but it is still up to us at the level we are at when we are exposed to that existence in the physical world - to read and expose ourselves to the truth until it can connect with the knowledge in our astral mind and we can finally see. If we do not - if we miss that moment, that chance - most must wait for another life - another moment.
Of course in time, all will understand as this is Father's plan - but you and I and others know he will not force us - we must meet the truth and be able at that time to identify it for what it is.
In the possibilities that such a forum as this provides, does it not behoove us to share even if we only have a little to share?
If one were to perhaps read the kindness you extended to me and then the following day happen upon Toward the Light - do you not feel that a spark of recognition may ignite their desire to read more and thereby perhaps lessening their burdens?
When I was young, I did all of the things a teenager and young man in North America was apt to do in the 60's and 70's - everything you can probably imagine and others you may not be able to imagine.
I had my run-in with the legal system in my country and I hurt others and was hurt by others. That was our life back then. Now, I find I cannot do those things anymore and I know it is because of the truth and the effect it has had on my life. I can't lie or cheat although I am often lied to and cheated. I could no more kill another person than I could hurt my wife - except perhaps to protect my wife.
Of course a lot of this is actually fear - not fear of death or of our Father - but fear that I may waste even one precious second of my next life by doing any more wrong things in this one.
Again, I know this is only because of the truth contained in the books. It would never have happened if on that day in that bookstore I had not allowed thought to influence my will - something sadly that my friend did not do.
So if our writings to each other attract even one person to Toward the Light when they see it - have we not helped our Father and our older brother's and sister's?
If we keep silent - do we not participate in the delay?
Would not perhaps your comments or my comments cause a casual visitor to the forum to join in - even to question?
Certainly we cannot constantly communicate or post messages in this forum - although now that there is contact I assure you I will increase the number of my visits and perhaps add my thoughts to a conversation.
I do know deep inside and understand that this is only a moment in time and perhaps it is my personality that I would like everyone to know - NOW! Pompous perhaps and I have also been called pushy and I am sure that in my eagerness I have actually pushed some away and that too is to my deepest regret and for which I will seek forgiveness from those people if that was the case when I see them again in our homes.
I wish I could feel that wars were diminishing but that is not what I see. Instead, I see governmental and corporate obfuscation, territorial disputes, those that kill justifying their murders. I see countries all over the world where little girls and boys are treated with disdain, used for the gratification of adults both for the adults ??pleasure?? or for monetary gains. I see petty religions in petty squables with horrifying results. I see hatred of race, hatred of color, hatred of culture.
I see very few bright spots - but this forum is one of them. There ARE people that understand and there ARE people with whom the truth has struck a resonant chord - but there is in my opinion too much silence. Not just in this forum of course but everywhere.
I do though realise that in many ways it is just me and my personality wanting everything to change NOW. Silly isn't it Ulla? But that is me and I know it isn't going to happen now - or tomorrow.
You also mentioned that you could continue for a long time - Why don't you? As Darkness draws Darkness to itself - making the Light more manifest by writing about it can only be a good thing.
I have not read on this forum that there is a limit to offerings of hope and heartfelt joy so why not put down in words the innermost - regardless of length? I will certainly enjoy reading them - but then again perhaps I am too wordy and that was again a kindness on your part in pointing it out to me. I better close.
With Love,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 01:31 am: |
Dear Colin,
I am sorry if you feel that I have in any way implied that your message was too wordy: it most certainly was not! Rather, being too lengthy is one of my own characteristics - that was why I tried to stop myself before I occupied 3-4MB! ;-)
So, now that there is nothing to stop me, I will go on!
No, it is not silly that you should wish for everything to change NOW. We all do. As for me, perhaps I have become overtly cautious over the years. You know, so many people tell you to bring up any subject - "except politics and religion". Great big fake superficial toothpaste smiles. I often have a hard time explaining that I am NOT necessarily talking religion, when I talk about God... But once mentioned, God's name becomes synonymous to religion, although one of the first things I ever try to make people understand is that God is above religion - but I might as well be talking about last year's weather at that point.
It is hard not to appear a fanatic. Even if you are not, they will tell you that you are. Because in reality most people do not want to hear about God and any "news" there might be. They are uncomfortable with believing - science has told them that it is naïve to believe in something "that you cannot see" - and so, once again, it is difficult to even mention the subject of religion.
The example of your friend is a parallel to many of my own experiences. Also, there are many among our TTL-friends who have themselves felt the indifference towards our sensational findings. The fact is, as you also mention, that each individual must find the truth for him/herself - this is also illustrated in the parable "The Roads". It is OK that we talk about our experiences with TTL to all that care to listen. But just as God does not force anyone, neither should/can we. And going around preaching the same way the various religious communities do - this is certainly below our standard. Is it smug to say so? I think not.
On the other hand it cannot be denied that we ought to share our problems, frustrations, joys and moments of Light between ourselves to a much higher degree - this would be of great benefit to all.
Regarding the current world situation - I prefer to interpret the vast amount of negative information on what is going on everywhere as a result of today's hugely increased possibilities of reaching every corner of the world. All the doings of the darkness are coming out into the open. It is written in TTL itself somewhere that e.g. promiscuous behaviour was far worse in the past than it is in modern times. Our spiritual guides surely know what they are talking about.
And think about democracy - granted, it is not yet the normal way of life everywhere in the world, but it has spread so much and still does.
Corruption... Well. This is another hard nut to crack. It is like a virus and once it gets out of hand, it is very difficult to stop.
There is only one way of straightening out things, in my opinion: we need to make people understand that they are better of listening to their conscience. The problem is, how do we convince them they actually possess a conscience? We need proof for them to contemplate and digest, so that they will begin searching for more answers to the questions that will appear in their minds...
The question they need to answer will of course be: why do I have a conscience? Why do I possess an element inside myself that tells me what to do and what not to do?
Of course some people still refuse listening to their conscience, while others are able to do so only intermittently. Humankind is still very primitive - it is the old question of the evolution of the human spirits being interrupted by the interferences from the Eldest. Like when some primitive-minded mafia boss orders the latest computer equipment that he will never be able to use because he does not have the skills required to do so - but he must have it, because he needs to show off... In much the same way, we see people walking about the streets carefully dressed and combed - but when they speak up, they have nothing to say. They are products of our times, but they do not know why they live here on Earth, neither do they care why... Because they are told that life is only here and now, so go grab it.
On the other hand, so many others are attracted to dreams offered them by the film industry – they need dreams, it is commonly believed. I think they need truth more than anything else. Why are films like Harry Potter and The Fellowship of the Rings so popular? Erm… I could write a few MB on this subject, so I had better get off this deviation…
You ask, "If we keep silent - do we not participate in the delay?"
Yes, we probably do. Still, our Father knows the problems posed upon us by earthly conditions. None better than he knows just how "deaf" human beings can be... Even many of the incarnated Youngest were deaf, 80 years ago, in Denmark (I cannot bear to think about it). My only "comfort" is that even Jesus was temporarily unable to unveil his Elder brother, when he was supposed to pray for him. If Jesus failed... how can the rest of us avoid making errors? This is what happens to so many - even to those who begin reading TTL, only to begin likening it to lesser books, with crooked teachings that are so different from the Light that meets them in TTL.
I have been ranting quite a lot, Colin. It is late and I will finish for now reminding myself that “Only those possessed of patience are fit."
By Colin M. on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 06:08 am: |
Hello Again Ulla,
So nice to read your message and if I may I would like to add some comments also in the hopes that there are others reading our messages and may decide to join in.
Yes, it is unfortunate that when speaking of the truth that most associate what they hear with the perversions of the truth they have grown with and that have been drummed into them by their parent's and before them by the various religious cults and the practice of these cults being spread following the doctrine of the Jesuit cult of "Give me the child for 6 months and I will give you the man for life."
I am often asked what religion I believe in and my reply is now always "I don't believe in religion, I believe in God."
This statement has, I found, a very interesting effect on most. It is of course not understood and the most common response is one of confusion and I don't try and push anymore (I have gotten to the point with most that I use this statement to ascertain any interest and if there is no interest shown - do not go further).
I completely disassociate myself with anything stemming from what is to me the most obvious manifestation of 'Applied Darkness' - the organized religions. I will not accept it in any form. I do not give obeisance to any religious group or leader, I gently yet firmly show my disgust with the trappings of all religions and I do not feel if necessary to consider the 'sensibilities' of any person in this regard. I feel that to do so gives credence to the bastardized teachings of these cults.
I do not demand of course that anyone accept what I believe - but neither will I accept anyone trying to proselytize their beliefs to me.
I would like to point out another situation that actually offends me if I may. There is a web page put out by the Toward the Light Foundation that I find is weak and that actually has adopted the sick 'politically correct' attitude of so many and includes comments taken from Q&A but which have been 'amended' - HOW DARE THEY? - and the mention is from Q&A First Supplement Chapter 13 stating in part "...for the intention is not to create a new sect, the intention is to let the thoughts and information of this Message penetrate and infuse..." and it is at this point they sink into the 'PC' mode. The problem I see is that they have effectively given those who are reading an excuse to keep silent and blissfully ignore the second paragraph following which says:
"But perhaps the coming reformation in a not too distant future will be carried forward by the demanding sentiment and will of the people, and in that case it will not be for the clergy to carry the palms of victory."
Religion has had it's chance and they rejected it in favour of their own desires and interests. Yes, in time there will be a full destruction of religions but this will take many, many, thousands of years because of the nature of religions to pander to the basest animal instincts and fears of their "followers" that allow them to offend God and the truth if only they show up once in a while and give some form of monetary stipend to the religion for a bit of 'feel good' forgiveness from one of the managers of the organization in question.
Pleae don't misunderstand here. I don't go marching into one of the meetings of these multi-level marketing groups and spout hatred for them or anything like that - BUT - I do not turn away from them when they try and spread their darkness to me or those around me. I am fully ready to use their own fairy tale book to counter what they opine, as I feel we all should. Yes, I have read their fairy tale book(s) and I find using their own words as a counter to be most effective and always brings out the usual erratic and illogical comments of: first, no one can truly know, and secondly they usually - and the most common as well - heap insult upon insult at me demonstrating there total ignorance of even the smallest knowledge always followed by a "I'll pray for you" to which I reply there is no need as I speak to Father directly all the time. I have been threatened of course with violence because those mired in the muck of religion are always the first to wish to kill. Most are simply parrots and cannot stand up to question but I see in that an opportunity oddly enough. There is no possibility that I could ever be swayed now from the truth as I see truth. I do not need to be violent or insulting to an individual or demanding as these are the results of one whose own beliefs are on very shaky ground and are threatened by everything that runs counter to their safe belief that they are right and all others are wrong.
I would never suggest that a 'new' sect or cult or religion or whatever label one wishes to put on it, should be our goal or result. Rather, I feel the total dissolution of all religions in favor of the individual finally realizing they can approach Father directly without the intercession of some sanctimonious brother or sister claining to be a 'holy one.'
Humankind does not need 'religions' - humankind needs the knowledge that they are directly connected to Father and I feel that should be our goal.
Although a forum for light, I would also like to comment on your note if I may on so-called "democracy" which is just another 'religion' in a different guise.
Humankind also does not need such poor excuses for government - especially that one. Better for a nation to have a government that truly acts as though the word 'govern' meaning of 'look after the people' without the pretentious lies than one that is so top-down and fashioned directly from the early religious concepts of 'I am better than you and I deserve to be protected and have a soft life so you must have a miserable life and put me in a place of power over you and bend your knee to me and accept that I am better than you and if you don't I will kill you.' Again - especially one that has caused the deaths of more millions of innocent people in the last one hundred years than any other - and continues blissfully doing so today.
Just as I cannot see in this present world any single religion that approaches truth, I cannot see a single government in any nation that approaches a 'look after the people' model.
Yes, I agree that within all of the existing world religions there are some bright sparks - and they can be found in all of them - but they are so darkened by the rest of the lies that even if some of the truth reaches those intended it is snuffed out in favor of the parts that allow the weak to ignore the truth for a 'feel good' lie. The same with governments - there are good points in all no matter the label but these are also ignored in favor of the aspects that supply the smugness and belief that one is better than the other and the one believed in has the 'God given right to destroy the other.' How many millions have been murdered by governments insulting Father by saying "God is on our side" or the disgusting sight of the various 'priests' and other managers 'blessing' the murderers or the trappings of death. Sprinkling 'holy' tap water over the weapons about to be used to kill in the name of God.
This should be anathema to all! It should and must be commented n with the disgust and disdain such acts deserve. If the various government controlled news media will not do so then it must be done from " to man." To do less I feel is an abrogation of our responsibility.
I again mention the above phrse from Q&A - " the not too distant future.." - perhaps it is just me but I feel that over 80 years has taken us beyond the "...not too distant future.." stage, even as it was understood at the time. The current status quo has continued because so little has been done. I have talked to some that have said to me "But I pray to Father everyday to make my friends and family understand." Why?!
If it was Father's goal or 'job' to force such understanding there wold have been no need for the suffering of our elder brother and things today would not be as they are.
The 'job' is ours - not to force or coerce of course but to spread as much and as far as we individually can. Also in Q&A it states in part "...from man to man.." and perhaps I have taken this to much to heart - but I don't feel so.
I would also like to say that I did not note a 'ranting' tone in our message Ulla - rather I saw passion and drive and knowledge. To me - and hopefully to others that may be reading our communiques - there are things now being written that will create in others the stimuli to put there own thoughts down - agreeing, contradicting, questioning, anything! We - those who have received the truth in our own way - need to explore what it is that we have found. It is vital that the truth break through the over 80 years of relative silence and cloak of darkenss it has been obscured by. The 'churches' will of course not do it. The governments will of course not do it. Any organized sort of 'foundation' will of course as has been shown will not do it - but that is perhaps more from fear of the churches and governments and is not meant as disparaging. So that only leaves those that have received some, ANY, knowledge from the gifts we have been offered.
I must close now as it is time for me to go to work.
Also with "affection" but moreso with love,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Sunday, December 30, 2001 - 04:12 pm: |
Dear Colin,
I like your approach to people who are interested in your beliefs – it is right not to push anyone, unless they show interest. On the other hand, there are people whose eyes simply glaze over whenever they hear God’s name, and this is when we know that they will go on and on about why the Bible is the “one and only truth” – why “God’s wrath” is beautiful and a perfectly balanced manifestation to Jesus’s doctrine of love Sic! – one women recently answered me in this way…Her exact words were: “…the harmony of God's wrath and God's love as found in Jesus' perfect solution of voluntarily dying on a Roman cross…” Wow…She then went on to tell me that my vision of an un-wrathful God is only a weak “California Dreamer”-philosophy. How far will they actually be willing to stretch themselves in the direction of darkness, before they will begin to see the human distortions and the deceits? One thing is for certain: many are unable to see that God is actually above base human emotions such as hatred and wrath.
But never mind the others. It seems that we ourselves have enough problems on our hands! You write that the TTL Foundation’s home page is weak and that it offends you. In that case, why don’t you tell them so? Of course also offering them an alternative to work with – this would be a positive approach. I did not know that the quotation from “Questions and Answers” was different from what is actually written in the book, but then I possess Q&A only in Danish. It would surely be highly constructive to eliminate any errors so that all we may get a better base for our work to make TTL more widely known (hopefully without proselytizing). I invite all that have ideas in this regard to tell us their inspired solutions and thoughts on this matter! As Colin says, we are in this all together. However, Colin – while it is true that no one “owns” TTL and the other books, it is also true that some of us must of necessity be appointed to protect and officially represent the books as well as care for all the practical details involved. It is no easy job, I can assure you, and I find that those who have taken upon themselves this work of dedication have hitherto done very well. Today the world is changing: with the Internet e.g., we have the possibility of reaching all corners of the world. Another important detail in the present state of affairs should also be mentioned: now that the last of the incarnated Eldest have left the Earth, we can breathe more freely and many of the obstacles of the past have disappeared. The rest is up to us.
“Humankind does not need 'religions' - humankind needs the knowledge that they are directly connected to Father and I feel that should be our goal.”
You are certainly right in this, Colin. It is probably a matter of helping humankind understand that they ought to work towards greater independence in the reassurance that God is always with them. It is so nice to be able to load our “sins” on Christ’s broad shoulders – when I tell them that we are all personally responsible for our sins, most people simply shrink away with horror painted on their faces, save a few independently minded persons who have long since understood the absurdity of the doctrine of atonement. But they are very few. However, as long as people choose to believe that they have only one life to live on this planet, little can be done. Strangely enough, I have encountered many who are fairly convinced about reincarnation, but as soon as God enters the picture, they baulk, too… Why? Would reincarnation do away with God? Well, probably they haven’t any very clear idea about what life is all about – but on the other hand, they are too superficial to head for illumination. Read a book? Naaah, that’s too much trouble… I’m fine as I am anyway, aren’t I?…
I am constantly stunned to find that this is the way most people live. Then, when someone dear to them dies, they enter a heavy crisis – but only for as long as it takes to bury that beloved person. After that, they have a nice tomb to look after, and look, aren’t those flowers I bought for him/her today just beautiful?
Deep sigh… It should be noted that I live in Italy, so of course I describe what I see here. My friends and family in Denmark are all TTL-readers, so in my home country I mostly do not encounter this kind of problem!
Straying from the subject again, am I…
When mentioning democracy I did not intend the governmental method in itself, rather I wanted to refer to the increasing possibility for people to express their beliefs and ideas freely, as opposed to earlier times of human history when liberty of speech was not the rule. Certainly many so-called democratic governments – or rather, single persons hiding behind the institution – still feel entitled to kill and destroy on behalf of their nation. Many wars and much violence could be avoided if the leaders of the various countries dedicated more of their attention to solving the real problems of humankind: famine, poverty, disease, etc. If more had been done in this direction, recent negative events would not have occurred.
There is still a long way to go, this is true Colin – but I think that we should be more optimistic and positive in our approach to life. Putting on the black glasses helps no one, rather the contrary! Just think about the way the ether-recordings of the Elder were brought into the world as real events because people were thinking along those (negative) lines. Positive thoughts allow the power of the light to approach you and enhance the light of your spiritual body – and now that you know you are not alone, I am certain you are smiling more each day in spite of the ways of the world.
With love,
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Sunday, December 30, 2001 - 08:31 pm: |
Thanks to you both, Colin and Ulla, for this late christmas present ;-)! I just surfed through the Amelius Site - once again - hoping, that something might have happened. And indeed it had! I printed out the whole conversation to read it carefully.
Colin, you mention in your first message, that you keep on looking for signs, that the light is doing progress. Looking at the world, it is very hard to see such signs as you write with such great, heartgripping sadness. But they are there! I will now share something with you, something very important:
At the beginning of the last century, the power of darkness was broken, as you well know. Ever since, it has, as far as I can see, been the aim of the light, to break through at all levels, so that the break-through eventually would be visible to everyone. A mighty job has been undertaken by the light! I myself experienced one of the breakthroughs, the second-last, before the final breakthrough. It was an experience so overwhelming, yet so peaceful and beautiful, that I lack the words to describe it. I don´ t say this to brag or feeling important, but just as a matter of fact.
See, there are some basic principals for the energy of light and darkness, and the consciussness, that are brightly described in TTL but also by the danish author, Peter Kjærulff. He takes up the old concept of chakras, but is describing it in a whole new way. There are, he says, seven chakras. And in a letter to me, he pointed out, that the breakthrough of light follows these chakras. At the major breakthrough, so he says, light broke through on the crown-chakra-level. Ever since, light has broken through on all other levels. As a matter of fact. Light is now the strongest energy or force on Earth.
But this doesn´ t mean, that we have reached our full goal. "It is always darkest before dawn!" as Ulla says. True indeed. The present world-situation may become even darker and more infected by evil. We may see the contours of that now (perhaps a global war between religions, between christianity and islam).
However, the breakthroughs are now facts. They have accurred. I can sometimes see a little bit, what we may call a diminutive sense of clayirvoyance, and I actually saw the last and final breakthrough of the light as a very beautiful, peaceful wave or streaming of bright, red light in the sky.
My guess is, that the visible breakthrough, an official and global acceptance of TTL, will come to pass around 2030, corresponding to the c. 100 years from a certain answer in Q & A was given in 1930. There are good reasons to believe so. You might read more about it, Colin, in Kjærulffs books (which are actually published in english by Ulla!). My view is, that there has been a certain thing, which at that time (in 1930) was crucial for the final breakthrough of the light. A certain fight must be undertaken - and it has been done, this particular fight is over now, and the light was victorious.
So, keep up the good spirit! There is certainly hope yet! And I will say, along with Ulla, wishing you both and everyone who reads this a happy new year: "Only those possessed of patience are fit!"
With love;
By Colin M. on Monday, December 31, 2001 - 05:33 am: |
Hello Carsten,
Since your posts back in August you must have also felt - as seems to come through even in your second sentence emphasising "-once again-" that no one else was 'at home.'
It was actually this situation that brought forth the comment "And I will keep looking here for indications that light has made a breakthrough."
It seemed to me, as it must have to you, that the visitors here were few. As far as I am aware, this is the ONLY forum for open discussion on the Truths we have been presented with and it seemed that either no one had been able to 'chance upon' this forum or that those who had perhaps done a 'search' and discovered for example on 'Google' over 2 million 'hits' for books on things like the so-called 'near-death experience' or some books on artwork, had been actually searching for those 'Toward the Light' publications.
In a way, Ulla, this also ties in with my feelings on the 'Foundation.' Please don't misunderstand, although if misunderstanding is there it is my error for not being clear.
I do respect the 'Foundation for Toward the Light' and for the work that they have done but I am sure you can now notice mine is a more aggressive nature in some respects. As TTL was published so many years ago, in my opinion the 'Foundation' had every right and even the responsibility to 'pounce' if you will, with the full force of not only the Danish but International legal systems and immediately begin litigation against any person or organization that violated the 1979 copyright of the English publication of TTL, but especially since the American Foundation was established in 1969. After all, America being the most 'litigious nation on earth' the American Foundation would have found it easy to do so. The 1920 publication of the Danish version could also have been used as precedent as a mitigating factor in drawing the necessary legal decrees against use of the 'phrase' by anyone other than as part of a sentence - and non-capitalized. Definitely NO books should have been allowed to violate their copyright.
I actually see the 'kidnapping' of 'Toward the Light' as a phrase by those millions who now fully believe that it means they "almost died and went to heaven" but were "sent back with special knowledge no others have" - as a manifestation of the battle between Light and darkness to try and misdirect humankind from the Truth toward an easily believed and profitable for the authors 'feel good' lie.
Yes, I agree there is 'gold' among that 'dross' as at least some will be more likely to believe there is 'life after death' but it is couched in 'feel good religion' that there is safety and security in death.
The battle is waged on so many fronts.
I would like to see the Foundation of Toward the Light, as caretakers of the Truth, be more valiant and in the forefront of the battle.
It is not so much the website that offends me - although as I have designed websites that require 'marketing' to be accessible to those whom the topic of the website is targeted I do see the mentioned site as only actually a link to and not one being to draw attention to the Truth.
Oddly enough, if you try a search for Ardor - also on Google and then TTL using the Search within results - you will find some sites that have direct copies of Ardor's Account - prefaced of course (on one I checked) with a disclaimer by the website that the:
"...material gives an interesting view seen from a religious/philosophical point(?????my questioning here), but by making it available on this web-site doesn't by any necessity mean any immediate agreement to every word of it by any of those in connection with the Azaiya Website."
Makes me wonder why they put it on the website if they felt it needed a 'disclaimer.' Are they ashamed to be shown as being associated with the Truth or are they afraid of retribution by government or religion?
As you mention Ulla, the Internet does give finally the opportunity to reach nearly every corner of the globe but it must be utilized to do so effectively.
Returning to the phrase that caused offense, it was a similar adoption of 'politically correct' language by 'amending' the words (in the English translation) "...for the intention is not to create a new sect, the intention is to let the thoughts and information of this Message penetrate and infuse the Danish Church, which through this work slowly but inevitably will face its dissolution" with:
"..that the intention is not to create a new sect, but to let the Message penetrate and infuse the various religions and denominations to create a true, uniform and lasting foundation for humanity's perception of God and the beyond."
NO mention of inevitable dissolution. In my opinion a VERY 'watered-down' version of that contained - but as I cannot read the Danish version, perhaps it was just a different translation they used - and as mentioned previously NO mention of the following second paragraph.
Perhaps it is fear of the power of the Danish Church and their Upper-Level Managers in their 'Parent' church that caused them to amend but as Father said - in part - to Ms. Johannes Agerskov in the Concluding Remarks in Q&A:
"Do not ever heed the opinions of others, do not ever heed their opposition, their possible silence, ridicule or foolish denunciation of your work..."
If the caretakers of the Truth are afraid to be shown as in the forefront of the push on the physical plane to share the Light and the Truth does it not lessen then the work of others as it can then be shown by those that either demur or who are outright antagonistic that even the caretakers are willing to conform so as to not offend?
Mayhaps they are leaving it to others to carry the Truth forward and feel their only task is to make the publications available. If that is the case, then the work of Amelius and the family of Mr. Kelemen should be allowed unfettered clearance to all they can as ones prepared to take things to another level - as well as our most grateful thanks for task they have undertaken.
(Apologies for the mention of Q&A in the TTL thread but it seems to fit.) But I have another quote and it is from the Second Supplement Chapter 72 and although focusing on the Youngest, says in part "But if the human "spirit" and the "Spirit" of the Eldest have brought to heel and bound the spiritual courage of these leaders and annihilated their trust in the invisible Father who sent them to the Darkness and the Earth, if they court public opinion, public acclaim and popularity, they are no longer useful in any way."
The Foundation has every right to be most exact in the disseminaton of their charge. It cannot be expunged from the Internet and this can be shown for example by something that comes from your 'backyard' Ulla. There is a website showering disdain and hatred on Alitalia airlines ('') and although the full legal power of the Alitalia organization was marshalled to try and get the website removed from both the webhosting company it was on and banned from publication on other webhosts, this was denied as it was viewed by the legal system that the author had every right to expose their displeasure in this manner.
Now of course the power of the Alitalia organization is that of a flea in comparison to the forces that can be marshalled by the might of the Multi-Level Marketing groups that make up the various religion companies, but I still feel the Foundation for Toward the Light, as caretakers of the Truth, should more strongly show their presence and use the rights and responsibilities given to them by Father.
Carsten I have not read the book you mentioned (published by Ulla you say?) but I will try to find it. I do read a lot and try and find little gems that I feel show that the Truth has in some way infused the thoughts of the author and I enjoy finding those gems. I have read all of the religious 'fairy tales' from most 'religions' and many from philosophers and thinkers both modern and ancient and from many cultures and it can be seen everywhere the sparks of light, and that gladdens me immensely.
I am fairly sure that by 2030 I will have returned home to prepare for next time as I would be 80 then, but would that you are right and that within the next 28 years that millions of humankind will be exposed to and come to understand the Truth.
I better close as I have taken up a lot of space.
I so enjoy the opportunity to discuss these things with you both and hopefully soon others will join in - even if just to chastize.
With Love, Respect and Thanks,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Monday, December 31, 2001 - 05:05 pm: |
Dear Colin,
You write the following:
...As TTL was published so many years ago, in my opinion the 'Foundation' had every right and even the responsibility to 'pounce' if you will, with the full force of not only the Danish but International legal systems and immediately begin litigation against any person or organization that violated the 1979 copyright of the English publication of TTL, but especially since the American Foundation was established in 1969. After all, America being the most 'litigious nation on earth' the American Foundation would have found it easy to do so. The 1920 publication of the Danish version could also have been used as precedent as a mitigating factor in drawing the necessary legal decrees against use of the 'phrase' by anyone other than as part of a sentence - and non-capitalized. Definitely NO books should have been allowed to violate their copyright.
I actually see the 'kidnapping' of 'Toward the Light' as a phrase by those millions who now fully believe that it means they "almost died and went to heaven" but were "sent back with special knowledge no others have" - as a manifestation of the battle between Light and darkness to try and misdirect humankind from the Truth toward an easily believed and profitable for the authors 'feel good' lie.
I'm sorry, but I simply cannot figure what you are talking about. Could you please be more precise? As far as I know, there have been no violations of copyright. A former edition of TTL existed, but it was withdrawn by the translator, the late Kaj Prior - no copyright was violated with a regard to that edition.
I will be back with my thoughts on the rest of your postings, Carsten and Colin - there is certainly a lot to think about.
Colin, regarding your mention of Second Supplement Q/A 72... Yes, it is true what it says, and it is also true that this answer is concerned mainly with alerting those of the Youngest who had so miserably failed in their task to accept and make known TTL back in 1920. Sadly, those Youngest remain for all of us the representatives of an example NOT to follow, and we can use this statement as a measure for what we ourselves can - and should - do. It never harms trying, anyway. And whatever happens, we have those other beautiful words of reassurance at our disposal that you quote:
"Do not ever heed the opinions of others, do not ever heed their opposition, their possible silence, ridicule or foolish denunciation of your work..."
This is something good to start the new year on, thank you for starting this discussion, Colin.
Also many thanks to Robert Kelemen for having created the Forum!
A lightful New Year to all!
By Colin M. on Tuesday, January 01, 2002 - 04:18 am: |
Dear Ulla,
Happy New Year. Where I write from it is now 9am Jan 1, 2002.
The section you mentioned is not directed at anyone or any writing that refers or mentions the Truth but rather others.
For example, if you use the Search engne to search for Toward the Light, you will find 2,160,000 'hits' for things like movies and books using the phrase 'Toward the Light' either in the title or as description. There are sites by various religious organizations, some 'sermons' by some followers of religion, some art books many, many uses of the words Toward the Light with only a few being direct referrals to the Truth. Most of the books that have 'stolen' the words are in reference as mentioned to the so-called near-death experience as are the movie references and several of the 'books'.
If a 'brand' (for lack of a better descriptive) name product for example saw a mention of their product being used by another, there would be an instant lawsuit to demand the usurper cease use of the name, color, design etc., of the branded item. Coca-Cola as example, would, and does, travel the world looking for companies that use 'their' copyrighted name, colors, or design scheme.
Even if in advertising a company making a 'cola' were to say something like 'Our Cola is made from Coca and we call it Cola-Coca' the considerable strength of a legal challenge backed by such a large company would successfully 'come down on the offender like a ton of bricks.' Of course things like 'Bob's Cola' could not be stopped but 'Bob's Coca Cola" certainly could.
Look at what Macdonalds for example was able to do in Africa when a small company used only 'similar' 'golden arches' designed to resemble elephant tusks but with the unfortunate choice of a 'gold' color to decorate their 'hamburger' outlet. The Macdonalds organization sent their legal team all the way to Africa to force the proprieter to cease trying to associate themselves with Macdonalds - although in my view it was foolish of the proprieter in the first place to lower the image of his business in such a way. In fact, by my purposely writing Macdonalds and not MacDonalds, I am in violation of their copyright - if that is I was writing in a newspaper or magazine.
Now I of course may really be in error and perhaps the TTL Foundation never included the 'title' of the book in their copyright but that would be an unusual omission.
Even various religious groups have protested against authors using the word 'bible' to identify their works such as 'Gardeners Bible.' Demanding that their 'downline' protest and picket. Unsuccessfully however as the courts have deemed the word 'bible' as having been in the public domain since that fairy tale book was arranged so many years ago by so many groups working together; and there cannot be a definitive ownership established, and there cannot be a copyright taken on that word - but it still cannot be used without a modifying 'adjective.'
I have no objection to someone using say 'The Light' or 'Toward the Brightness' or such as a title or description, but to use the exact words or a phrase containing the exact words in order is, I feel, a violation of of the copyright. Too late of course now to correct the situation.
If I were to find someone using the name of our company in the name of their company I know our firm would begin proceedings immediately. The same goes for our logo.
In many ways, the courts view prior use and time of first use as a guideline in deciding ownership and regardless of what someone like Shirley Maclane (aine?) says, she did not coin the phrase as her attempt to cash in on the 'near-death' experience came many years after the copyright taken out by the TTL Foundation and long after her career had ended.
But, I am not a lawyer and perhaps our conversations will be fortunate enough to attract a lawyer that can correct my errors. Perhaps I am a little over-protective and just blindly seeking ways to 'battle' but with so many instances of use of the words "Toward the Light" and as so many of those uses came from "la-la land" to again attempt to cash in on a new fad, the phrase has now, for most, degenerated into a description of the 'near-death' experience and that in itself - again in my opinion - has, and continues to, harm the Truth as most do simply view Toward the Light as just "Oh! Another one of THOSE books." "No, thanks, that's just another California New Age con job." - and this is an impediment to progress.
"Grasping at straws?" Probably - even - Most Definitely.
As to the other mention:
In another conversation I have tried to start that as of yet has not received any comment I began with the following taken from TTL:
"The making of a contribution to an already existing form of art, science or the like, or the creation of something entirely new and hitherto unknown, be it in the arts, in science or in any other area requires the genius that only the Youngest or the Eldest possess."
I am certain that there were, and still are, among those in the 'Foundation' - as there are in religions around the world and in science and medicine and in all areas of work and life - some of our older brothers and sisters who are striving mightily to ensure that Toward the Light and the other gifts are and will continue to be made available. Not all of course and there are I realize other considerations that must be taken into account and perhaps the decision making body of the Foundation has decided that less aggressiveness is more suitable (probably a good indication that I for example am not a 'desireable' candidate for inclusion). But as Father has made his views on the subject clear by the use of "Never" in his admonition to our older Sister Ms. Agerskov, should not that admonition be accepted by all?
I also agree with the phrase you and Carsten mention regarding 'patience' but - within reason.
If I may, I would like to offer an old Chinese parable on patience.
A hunter was out one day looking for food to feed his family. After many hours of searching he was tired and decided to rest. While he was resting, a frightened rabbit, running from a predator, ran past the hunter's resting place and crashed headlong into a tree and died. The hunter was overjoyed at his good fortune and immediately took the dead rabbit back to his family for supper. "Now," the hunter thought "I know what to do and it will be less difficult to feed my family." And so the next day he went back to his previous day's resting spot in the sun to await the death of another rabbit. That day, other animals came within his sight but he did not want to move lest he cause the next rabbit to run in an opposite direction, but - nothing happened and his family had only the remains of the previous day's meal for their supper - but the hunter was not distressed as he 'knew' that his luck and patience would be rewarded again on the next day.
So on the next day, and the next, and the next, the hunter returned to his now favorite resting place and waited for the gift his patience would bring him. Even after his youngest child had died from hunger for which he of course blamed the 'heavens', and after the death of his other children and his wife, every day the hunter went and practiced 'patience' - until he died and was found by others in his village - propped against his favorite tree - patiently waiting.
To me, patience is something we do while we are working towards something else. As you and Carsten and many others are now doing - taking time from your life to bring the Light int the open. You are doing what you can to advance understanding and not 'sitting waiting' and I feel that is right and you are all deserving of recognition - which I know you and Carsten and Mr. Kelemen and others are NOT seeking. Simply being patient and hoping something will happen through the works of someone - like you Ulla, or Carsten, or the Kelemens or others that are actually doing something, is unfortunately how too many deal with the Truths.
"Patience is its own reward." - I can't agree. Patience can only be seen as valuable as to the outcome of the work being done to make the outcome a reality - not as an ends to itself.
This phrase, like so many others so commonly mouthed by those mired in religion so that their 'followers' will blindly believe without asking questions their up-line cannot answer, do not, I feel, come from the Light but rather from Darkness to create a 'waiting state' that will not see a result.
Yes, I 'grasp' and I fume and I get flustered and those are my weaknesses and I try to stay centered - with little success obviously. And when I do finally get to return home I will be faced with these failings and probably receive my own admonishment for being so aggressive. Still though I cannot seem to stop wanting to be able to see the progress. The mention in the Truths offered of 'millions' knowing and understanding is - through your earlier mention Ulla of now being able to access all corners of the globe - even more disheartening. It is not millions but Billions of our siblings that have not now nor will for many, many years have the chance to learn of the Truth on the physical plane.
Billions for which even if the Truths were available in their native tongue cannot read even their own language. What they do have available are the fairy tale books and proponents of the fairy tales and even those within their 'native' if you will, religions, that speak against what is 'known' are derided and ignored.
As another hopefully viewed as less long-winded mention, consider Gautama Buddha - held by again Billions as an emissary from their understanding of who and what Father is - and rightly so. After his understanding of the truth when he was in his 30's and his subsequent rejectin of the life he had lived under his warlord father and family, and wanderings around his home country speaking against the organized religions and fat pompous and violent proponents of those religions, he finally, when close to death, had attracted many to his side. He admonished them to never make a 'religion' of his life or his death. He tried to teach his followers that it was up to each one to travel the 'Middle Path' and seek within their own hearts the road to Father's Kingdom without obeisance to other 'men'. But - As soon as he was dead, even his followers saw the chance to set themselves 'above' the 'common rabble' and have a relaxed and comfortable life by using the teachings of Gautama Buddha - bastardized and amended to suit their own uses and desires - to create a religion with the image and life of Gautama Buddha as the centerpiece. How our Older Brother that was incarnated to bring freedom from oppression to the people of that land at that time and for the future must mourn the failure of his charges after his death.
But I now see that I am so graphically demonstrating my failings that I better close. Still now, the only people that show 'patience' with my ramblings are you and Carsten. Hopefully some others will by 'happenstance' come across our conversations and be stimulated to add comments and help me expand my knowledge and understanding by pointing out my errors.
Happy New Year again,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Tuesday, January 01, 2002 - 11:42 pm: |
Dear Colin,
I now understand what you mean, regarding the copyright-problem. I have been informed on international copyright law, and in addition to this I know something about Italian copyright law. Apparently, it is not possible to copyright the name of a book or indeed that of a song. I know examples of several songs with similar or identical names, and in these cases one must go by the name of the author. The title is not important as opposed to the musical composition in itself. If someone “copies” a song of another and gives it another name, this person is likely to lose in court. The copyright focuses on the musical work of art – as indeed on the contents of a book. Take the case of Harry Potter. If someone wishes to publish a book with the title “Harry Potter”, he/she is free to do so. Probably anyone trying to do such a thing would soon be very unpopular, so it is not likely to happen. But if the writer was, say, to write the biography of a real person called Harry Potter (it seems that J.K. Rowling actually used the name of someone she knew for her young magician) – no one could do anything about this. Indeed it would not be right to do so. Unless, of course, if the writer were to utilize the popularity of the more famous author to make himself noticed – this would at the very least be ethically wrong.
In the same way, apparently the title “Toward the Light” cannot be copyrighted. However, this does not seem to me much of a problem. How many books have been published with this title? Here in Italy at least three or four, besides the “real one”!!! This does not disturb me. Indeed, how many of these other books would be able to stand up for TTL? None. Furthermore, none of them carry the subtitle that explains the main title: “A message to mankind from the transcendental world”. This is an important detail, as the authors of TTL undoubtedly knew it would be when they “wrote” the book.
There is an interesting disquisition to make regarding the title “Toward the Light”. I have read some opinions expressed in Danish religious discussion forums. One woman smugly declared, “Those who follow the writings of Toward the Light must truly be far out, poor ones (words to this effect, anyway – I am expressing the “sound” of the message rather than its precise wording). Evidently, they do not feel they have reached the light, yet, like the rest of us. WE are already in the light..” And so she smirked along. I wondered a little about this idea of “being in the light” already. Then it occurred to me, of course she means that SHE and her fellow believers are “already in the light” because they have been saved by Jesus. Saved how? By his bloody and cruel death on the cross, of course! We shouldn’t forget that so many still feel saved by Christ. This truly shocks me, but it is something we must be aware of. People are not ready to accept the responsibility for their actions. They prefer to “have been saved”.
That was another digression…
Colin, you also write:
I am certain that there were, and still are, among those in the 'Foundation' - as there are in religions around the world and in science and medicine and in all areas of work and life - some of our older brothers and sisters who are striving mightily to ensure that Toward the Light and the other gifts are and will continue to be made available. Not all of course and there are I realize other considerations that must be taken into account and perhaps the decision making body of the Foundation has decided that less aggressiveness is more suitable (probably a good indication that I for example am not a 'desireable' candidate for inclusion). But as Father has made his views on the subject clear by the use of "Never" in his admonition to our older Sister Ms. Agerskov, should not that admonition be accepted by all?
Yes, of course it should be accepted by all. And I am more than certain that you are right, about there being many of the Youngest everywhere in the world, working hard to spread the light. As for the Foundation, I know this much: they always ever encourage everyone who “volunteers” in any way to do what he/she feels is right. They are not a high and inaccessible board that frowns on our “impatient” or “unsuitably aggressive” behaviour – they have accepted to work for TTL and to protect it, but this does not mean they believe they own the works. These books belong to humankind.
On patience. Oh, dear, so much can be written on this subject… I really like your Chinese parable. It contains much truth – as with all things in life, a balance must be found also when it comes to patience. How to know if we exaggerate patience? Well, our conscience will probably tell us, especially if we ask its opinion! Else, our Father will certainly help us find the balance, if we seek his advice and are willing to work to find the balance. One thing is for sure – we should not be afraid to express our opinion, we have nothing to be timid about. True, it is easy to “burn our bridges” if we are too quick to speak or act, but on the other hand neither should we die from starvation because of excessive patience. Come to think of it, wasn’t that Chinese hunter a little too lazy? He was also blindly trusting… Rather than hoping optimistically that perhaps his next hunt would offer him a bigger prey, he would settle for a rabbit. He did not have any ambition, he had no dreams… There are so many aspects to the story, if we look closely.
There are always points of view that people will listen to… Like reincarnation, life after death – or the explanation why God “allows” all the evil things to happen. This is what people have a hard time explaining, and the philosophical subject of our free thought and will interest most thinking people. They may not agree at once, but if we give them our clear thoughts to work on, consciously or subconsciously, something may be obtained. At least, we will have dropped a seed – perhaps it will grow.
Love & Light,
By Colin M. on Wednesday, January 02, 2002 - 02:15 am: |
Dear Ulla,
Thank you so much for clarifying the situation regarding copyright laws for me.
Of course I agree that no other book can stand comparison to TTL but at least in N. America where Father is viewed and written about and depicted in movies as full of hate and a murderer so that murder can be justified - after all if Father kills so can believers in that murderous and inferior 'god' (small 'g' intentional) - and our Older Brother is shown as weak and effeminate and always heaping blame on Father, Toward the Light is most often not even given the opportunity to 'shine' as optimum.
Even the word "Transcendental' on the cover now immediately finds the Truth placed on store shelves - if it can be found in a store - alongside the books on 'near-death' and other flights of fancy. In my home in Canada I have never found it placed in the philosophy or even the 'religion' section.
Yes, if sought out it can be found, but the association it has been given as being only 'another of those books' keeps it from being accepted by the majority. Even books translating Nostradamus so that all and sundry can read and imagine the worst and thus assist to draw into being the Ether recordings of Ardor receive greater 'pride of place' in stores.
Your mention of Harry Potter is another example of a book that is fully displayed in all its 'glory(?)' so that parents will purchase it to use as fodder to cloud their children's delicate imaginations with the ideas of the machinations of magic and playing with the powers of darkness rather than instructing their children on the wonder of the Truth.
Another 'straw' broken and now discarded - leaving room though for others.
Your comments on the 'parable' show a firm understanding of parables and that there are always many aspects to such - so often completely overlooked by so many when they read a parable with a focus only on the 'main' topic.
This parable is also - as you mention - used to describe sloth, lack of concern for family, as an indication of the faithfulness of the hunter's wife, the trust of the hunter's children, and others.
And I, too, hope that someday others will see our 'thoughts' written here and will respond with their own. Until then, we can continue to give them things to 'think about'.
With much Love and Thanks,
By Mara Vazquez-Rest on Friday, January 04, 2002 - 07:52 pm: |
Hello everyone,
I am currently also printing out this whole conversation so that I can fully join you all, but since my 4-month-old son has been sleeping for a while and might wake up anytime soon, I wish to say at least something, as I am one of the people who kept going back to the discussion board hoping to see more posts but having not the time to post more myself. And now, as I should use the time to work, I will do it anyways.
I also have such a great desire to connect and communicate with others who have in their hearts accepted the message of TTL, and wish to share and talk about a great many things.
First I would like to point out to you another book you might truly enjoy. It is a book of chants, hymns, anthems and songs inspired by TTL called "One God, One World" from the great composer Roger Davidson. I will make sure to tell him about this discussion board also. You can contact him by email at
I would like to tell you how I found out about TTL. The effect that TTL has had on my life is so great that the life that I had before I found out about it seems altogether a different life. All my life I have been searching for a deaper meaning, as a young girl visiting many different churches and religion.
When I was 19 I was studying mime in Germany when a teacher of the Alexander Technique was visiting the school to hold a workshop. I have heard wonders about the workshop and attended it even though as a first year student I was not supposed to. Through the touch of this teacher, Julia Balter, I experienced such a deap and profound joy and a new sensation of who I was, deap inside ( I was very depressed at the time), that, in short, I quit my studies and followed her to the US to study with her which I have done ever since.
Her work can not be called the Alexander Technique any more, it is so altogether different and, since it has so much to do with the truths in TTL, I shall come back to it over time. It seems that noone here minds long posts.
Within 3 months of working with her my year-long physical problems altogether vanished, and also my depressions. I remember one beautiful, fall day of walking down the street and suddenly knowing that God is all good and all loving.
On a trip we took together I mentioned what I do not understand where all the darkness is coming from since it does not come from God, and that I wish there was some way of knowing, or that there was a book that told you the truth. She said there is, and shortly thereafter handed me TTL.
And now my little being of light is waking up, so more later.
Lots of love and light to you all,
By Colin M. on Saturday, January 05, 2002 - 03:23 am: |
Dear Mara,
So nice to read your post and to know that there are others that our converstation has touched.
I read with interest your mention of having gone through 'bodywork' that coincided with your 'discovery' of the Truth. Interest because a similar event in my life also coincided with my being given the opportunity to accept or reject the Truth.
In 1975 I weighed over 370lbs and was given the usual death sentence by the western disease-establishment unless I worshipped at the altars of medicine and surgery. My doctor gave me until I was thirty if I rejected his barbaric options.
I didn't accept his negative view and 2 years later I weighed 140lbs which was much to light for my frame - but the loss was necessary. Over the next year, I built myself back up to 180lbs and then over another 2 years to 200lbs which is where I still 'hover around' today - at 51 1/2 years - a result my western medical doctor still to this day tells me could not have happened the way I told him it did.
The damage had been done though through all those years of self-abuse and my body was a mess.
I was introduced to Rolfing - the technique created by Ida Rolf and which has done so much good for so many people - and it too changed my life.
I never actually thought of mentioning this on the forum but like many things all it took was someone else having a similar experience to 'jog' my thoughts.
Being as the mind and body are so inextricably linked, I can see that an opening of the body and an opening of the mind could be/are also linked.
It was after my first 10 sessions with my Rolfer that I was presented with Toward the Light and I have often wondered if I would have accepted the Truth had I remained in the 'hole' my life was in before. Although my Rolfer did not become involved in the Truth, he did accept my offer to read TTL. He did not reject it but his personality was one of exploring everything and TTL seemed to become to him another of the books on spirituality he had read but not fully believed. At least though he is looking.
Ulla, Carsten and others that may be reading, it would be interesting to know if there was a physical change in your life that coincided with your being presented with the Truth.
I have many friends that practice various 'martial arts' and Yoga and they too seem to be far more open than most others. Even, Carsten, your mention of 'Chakras' stems from exploring the relationship between mind and body.
Mara, your post actually has caused another chain of thought to come to the fore.
I know that Ulla is not living/working in her native land and neither am I and I see Mara that you have also gone 'afield' so this opens another avenue for discussion.
How many others of you reading are also 'expats'? Did your journey Toward the Light find manifestation in your seeking a greater exposure to experiential as well as spiritual truths?
With Love and Respect,
By Mara Vazquez-Rest on Monday, January 07, 2002 - 05:08 pm: |
Hello again,
I wrote a long reply yesterday but did not get to finish it, so now I make short ones instead in case I get called away suddenly.
thanks for your reply, Colin, it is so interesting to me to find how others experiences are. I have had similar experiences with trying to give TTL to people, it has been met with silence or strongly regected. My father saw it lying around once, read one page somewhere in the middle and said it was a work of the devil, a VERY strong reaction.
It is sad for me that in the years he has become more rigidly catholic, he is doing great work for the light but has no place in his heart to open himself to something new. I wonder how the reaction can be so strong? He was furious when he saw TTL. I recently told my parents about stepping out of the Catholic church ( you have to do it by law in Germany), lovingly stating my reasons, that I believe in One God for all of humanity and that it should not be important to what religion we belong to, but how we act as human beings etc.
The step felt very right for me, but he said that I have hurt him, personally, very deaply, and that he will hope and pray for the rest of his life that I will come back to the church. He got so angry that no reasonable discussion was possible, and I, who can not take any kind of agression, feel horrible and almost guilty, since I love my father.
Anyways, on another thought, I would really like to know more about the books that Carsten is talking about and about the event and the question that lead to the belief that TTL will be victorious in 1930. I will do my best to help out.
Lots of love and light,
By Susanne B. Maddaluno on Tuesday, January 08, 2002 - 11:02 am: |
You looked for someone else who has read TTL. Here I am –Austrian – and it’s wonderful reading your conversation – and then in this gentle tone!
Do you want to know how I found TTL – this incredible opera? Well I would tell you my story - I've already written it down yesterday, but thinking of it - these themes should spread light and not darkness - I'll not send it for now (and excuse my grammatic – I’m not practice in corresponding in English).
This is the first time for me to write on a discussion board - a little strange for me but it's the only way to comunicate my thoughts. Like Mara, also my husband doesn't accept TTL. He read maybe 50 pages and then stopped. Also he now accepts my way of thinking but we can’t discuss over it for a long time. Probably it’s my impatience to spread the truth that heats me too much every time we start to talk about. (or is it me that is not possible to accept his way of thinking?)
Being grewn in a “modern” catholic world (“modern” stands for “going to church only on Christmas and Easter trying to keep open your eyes and ears during the “lesson””), religion was old-fashioned. But I was seeking for something, not even knowing what, hoping to find it in books of Jung, Freud, Nietsche, Greek Philosophers,...
After the school-living examination I trasferred to Italy where I’m still living.
When I was 27, I removed in another quarter of the town (– a really strange story of coincidences(?) then). One of my neighbour was/is Ulla who was translating TTL at that time. My curiosity lead me to read also this book. Well, after having read the work TTL, my reaction was – YES, THIS IS ALL LOGICAL! THIS IS THE ONLY TRUTH! – everything had become quite clear for me. Soon, I ordered “Questions and Answers” and another four copies for my family and my friends I thought they would need a help. My parents promised to read it but also they soon leaved the reading. And so did my friends. And they all began to look at me with a glance on their face saying “poor, foolish girl – living far away from her home in the middle of a lot of strange people.... “
In 5 years only the girl-friend of my brother understood this great opera. The others continue to give me the “fool” (may I say so?).
Yes, my live has changed. But in my mind the change was even greater!
But now, after having read “THE RINGBEARER’S DIARY” by PETER KJAERULFF (Ulla is going to publishing it in a few time) I’m beginning to understand more and more. (If you want you can read the introduction by visiting her webside on topurl{,} .)
Now I’m even able to listen and to enjoy classical music (when younger I prefered Hard Rock) incredible – yes, I love Mozart, Brahms, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Beethoven,,......! I feel happy and during listening more happier.
Finally, I encounter people on the street with a smile an their face. Every little flower, every bird makes me feel happy.
Don’t leave your beautiful thoughts too often. Don’t let disperse you by notices of cruel wars or similar. Don’t forget that bad persons are becoming a minority. We only must remind everybody of the good things in the universum. And alltogether we can/should start - even in telepathical way – sharing thoughts of light and of love.
Have a very good day all of you,
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 05:15 pm: |
Mara, you are asking about the event, that lead to the belief, that TTL will be victorious in 2030. Well, first I will be more precise: My exact guess is 2031 at 9;56 AM on a certain date that year (I don´ t know the timezone). This is based on a dream-vision I had resently.
In "Questions and Answers II" there is a certain question and answer about the riddle of the uncreated. In the answer it is stated, that mankind will not get the answer to this question untill TTL has had its breakthrough. And it is furthermore said, that this might happen in c. 100 years or perhaps some thousands years.
The following is nothing but a personal view. Time will tell the authenticity of this view. It is partly built on a letter from mr Kjaerulff to me.
When humans incarnate, the original unity-conscioussness from the transcendental world is diveded into seven chakras. These chakras have hitherto been poluted very much by darkness. And one special phenomena has been a strong poluter of the human mind: One of Ardors mighty curses, which once led to a mighty ring of darkness, the one ring, that Tolkien and Wagner describe.
This ring is in fact the quite opposite of the total balanced mind: A totally destructive force of darkness, that represents the direct opposite to the merged thought and will, as described in "Q & A" II, pag. 93-102.
The force of this ring was, and still is, immense. Until one person once broke through this "roof" of darkness. This is all described in Kjaerulffs book, "The Ringbearers Diary".
It is my theory, that the crucial point of whether the official break through of TTL would accur in c. 100 years or the noted "thousands of years", was the elimination of this ring. If the Youngest succeded in eliminating this ring or curse, the other and last break throughs of the light in the seven chakras would be possible, in the end leading to the total and visible break through of the light on the globe.
And the Youngest did succeed at this. The ring was eliminated, though it is still existing, untill everybody has conquered it. The break throughs of the different chakras were as follows (again; this is only my view, and the dates might differ from the facts):
7. chakra: 1911-12
6. chakra: 1988
4. chakra: 1995 or 1996
3. chakra: In may 2000
2. chakra: Late january 2001
1. chakra: 10/11 2001
The 5. chakra was cleansed increasingly at every breakthrough of the other chakras. Note that the breakthroughs are going upside down, and that the interval is becoming increasingly small for each break-through.
A lot of people have been participating in this work for the earthly breakthrough of the light, and I haven´ t, by far, the full overview of the process. But the last two breakthroughs I personally experienced or "saw" (with my minds eye). Therefore I´ m certain, that it is true.
So the basic work that is preparing the official breakthrough of TTL and the light is done. In the years to come, towards 2031 (still: this is only my guess, though based on a dream-vision regarding the exact date) the chakra-energies will slowly be cleaned, more and more, until everything is ready for the great, visible and official break through. This is my view/theory.
By Diamond Jim on Saturday, January 19, 2002 - 08:26 pm: |
Greetings Colin,
I was intrigued by the idea of a physical "link" to the light mentioned in your posting . . . here is the reference:
. . . and others reading, it would be interesting to know if there was a physical change in your life that coincided with your being presented with the truth.
I have often tried to visualize what our aura looks like from the transcendental side . . . the analogy that comes to mind is that of a frequency of sound . . . sort of a hum that we possess that consists of the sum total of our energies in local space . . . in a glance the discarnate can understand our disposition . . . no secrets over there, when one is out of balance our colours tell all. Personally, I have not had any shocks to my "system" that brought on an unanticipated state of consciousness (kundalini-like) but I am aware that this has happened to others and it is "telling" that these physical body "events" seem to often coincide with psychological crises in our lives. I have cultivated a relationship with my body through yoga and meditation that has "drawn down the light" in a steady channeled way, athough it is worth mentioning that I was motivated to practice yoga out of desperation . . . physical distress that was the result of breaking up with my "first love" at 17 years of age. This experience was not like a bolt of lightning striking my consciousness, it was simply one of those inevitable lessons of life . . . facing a wall, I learned to slip between the bricks and find freedom. Let me explain what I mean . . . the body we have all inherited is programmed for the world of matter, the body has been in the world of matter for millions of years, fo a considerable number of those years the survival of our bodies DEPENDED on one of the most basiic programs in the body and that is FIGHT or FLIGHT. Our reaction to events in our daily lives still depend on the same sets of hormones (i.e. adrenalin, insulin, etc.) that are directly connected to this FIGHT or FLIGHT program in the body.
The FIGHT or FLIGHT program was designed for giving us that surge of blood sugar to go dashing off into the underbrush to pounce on some small beast that we could eat or to give us a burst of energy to take FLIGHT when something wanted to eat us . . . very useful. This body "program" is still running in the midst of modern life . . . when it is troublesome we call it "stress". I liken the situation to the metaphor of the feckless charioteer who has lost control of his horses (the chariot is our body, our senses are the horses and the charioteer our conciousness - the horses have bolted and are off in all directions). I have learned that there is a "third" state that can be added to this basic FIGHT or FLIGHT program . . . and that is SAFE. In yoga and meditation one regulates the hormones in the body to form a message that says I AM SAFE HERE. One does not have to fight or fear anything . . . for a brief time wherever you are - you belong there. The author P.K. has expressed this idea beautifully in his phrasing of the idea "I HAVE A RIGHT TO EXIST".
When we have this feeling . . . we are in the arms of God, we are at peace -- if only for a brief time each day. For myself, this is enough of a reminder that I am a being of light that has a home in this clothing of flesh, if this sounds too easy -- do not be misled. Yoga and meditation continually point out to me my failings, weaknesses and where I could "do better" in coping with life. Looking one's own stupidities in the eye can lead to despair or humility. This path is not for the insincere. Yet, this third state SAFE is available to us all and the marvelous fact is that most of the rest of the universe is SAFE in the light. Taking the time every day to clear a little space in our conciousness for the memory that we come from a place that is SAFE and we will be going to a place that is SAFE . . . this can grant us the strength to crash around in our urban jungles and stay out of the jaws of the machinery of modern life.
These are my comments on the link between the Light and physical being/state, as a last word in this posting I would like to say that humility feels good (SAFE) and that I feel we have more to learn about the REAL relationship between the Light and the history of our bodies.
'Diamond' Jim
By Colin M. on Thursday, January 24, 2002 - 01:39 pm: |
Hello Jim,
Very interesting and thoughtful.
You clarify thoughts I have that there is a link between allowing 'time' each day for greater light to enter our lives and the amount of understanding we obtain.
I have for about 20 years practiced Qi Gong - but not one of the 'martial' styles. It is a much more open discipline that does not focus on the body but rather outside the body. I too notice a feeling of being just 'me' in the place I am with a calmness I never feel at other times.
When I began to study, a member of the first class I was in asked our teacher - a Chinese gentleman of 55 who looked and acted much younger - where this knowledge came from and his response, translated from Chinese as he could not speak English was 'From the beings of light 10,000 years ago.' I was pretty shocked as this event occurred about 7 years after I had been fortunate enough to have 'stumbled' across Toward the Light.
I firmly believe that the gentler arts of meditation as found in many cultures are definite gifts from Father. To be used to give another avenue of calming the mind so as to better notice perhaps the 'unseen but felt.'
Would that more people - and more are daily - allowed time for themselves each day to just be quiet and allow the light to flow through them.
I feel that act of self-love could by itself generate much more peace.
Thanks for your thoughts. Apologies for the delay in answering but business often means I need to travel and be away from my computer.
By G T on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 07:42 am: |
hello all
lifetime christian, new to ttl, familiar with the light as the Lord was showing me all along, and, indeed, confirmed with this original information. after i read through just the web site pages (still not done), all that i had believed without understanding, i understood. all the questions were answered. the only doubts i had up to that point were from religion and were cleared. this was the gospel message that rang true and, with uncontainable exuberance, i could share with everybody without shame. my faith on Him became assurety. He had prepared me for the last three years for this information, otherwise i might have passed it by or, as most who i try to introduce it to, shunned and bashed it.
new questions have risen. i haven't read the ?'s and answers so i appologize if i could have gotten it there.
are the eldest and youngest occupying all humans? are they our "souls"? is it supposed to be that, if i know, i should i be actively searching for my other "two by two", my "joseph of arimathea" or my "jesus"?
should i, this human, be searching for that human partner for marriage as well in this late date? if this is not my first time around, and i was already married, should i stay single for the rest of the lives unless i find that one again? i'm single now, 38, and never married this time around. i had given myself to the words of Christ when he was speaking to the phars. of marriage and they said that if it was one woman for life, it was better not to be married. Jesus said, "only to those whom it has been given". so has it been given to me not to be married? or is this more of my religious interpretation?
i have many others but even if i don't get answers, it does not bother me. it would just make anyone "feel" better if they knew that they were doing what they were supposed to do.
and to anyone looking for those indications, the light of His love has broken through to this spirit. and as much darkness i see, He continally suprizes me with those "flash of light" experiences. i already knew His love, but not in full. i knew as much about Him as most scholars of the Bible (i am unlearned), but that was part of the problem. reading through the information was like that last pound of pressure that broke the dam that was holding in most of the love that the Lord wants to pour out of me, making it possible for me to love practically and without limit. yes, friends, you "should" be over joyed, for that which you seek for is always happening. even in just thinking upon Him, i experience others receiveing the same love that He is always pouring out. i'm really trying to express what can only be experienced. i find myself sicerely going out to others for love's sake and not for obligation.
recently, i received three of those emials from nigeria trying to scam me out of what i was trying to sell on the internet. i would normally send a scathing and judgmental reply to their attempt at stealing. the Lord reminded me (again, as always) "these are family" "leave none behind" "love all". all the sudden i was typing a half page plea to repent, to stop sealing his own judgment etc etc (the Lord's love flows continually so i had to cut myself off at one page). i sent the same response to all three thieves. to my uttermost joy, one replied asking what i could do for him. what could i do but encourage him in the love and forgiveness of the Lord, in continued repentance, love every as God does, forgive as you've been forgiven, and right wrongs whenever he can and, of course, put in the link to the ttl pages i read. the Lord works!!
your brother