By tstorey on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 07:25 pm: |
Polarity is an all encompassing part of the human experience. "Toward the Light" gives us insight into the nature of our experience and grounds for understanding.
There just seems to be two sides to everything and there is NOTHING anybody can do about it.
These two sides, and acceptance of the same, go a long way to peace in this world.
Will polarity dissipate? Go away? Leave us alone?
I won't try to do anything except keep it simple.
It would seem that darkness polarizes. It would seem that this is ongoing. It would seem that, as it does polarize the earth experience becomes 'less dark.'
There is darkness all around us and within us. Focusing on the light is great. Denying the darkness is nothing but denial itself.
Within your own family you see the polarities. Many of us have had dark members of our families, communities and, we know many who have been overcome by darkness (drugs, alcohol, bodily know, the sin thing).
We see the newspapers describing their acts.
We see the wars that rage on this planet. We see each side's deep belief in their right to hate and kill.
On the other side there are those who love peace.
The meek. The gentle. The understanding. Those who have come here to try and ease the suffering of darkness.
Perhaps, some fail to recognize the power they wield. Perhaps, they don't command armies, great parishes or industry. They are the most powerful of all. They hold the sword of tolerance, of trust and faith. This is a weapon above all weapons for it seeks not to gain power. It sees the lie of power and gives it it's due.
Once you grasp this, you no longer need to guide your fellow to any path. Once they see this acceptance within you they will have seen something rare on this earth.
They will have seen God in the eyes of another. Deep within them their spirit will stir as that love rushes in and awakens them.
What have you done? You have accepted them for what they are. Murderer, liar, thief or poet. they are your brothers and sisters and equal in his eyes.
Much of our northern european christian belief centers around a 'heartiness.' Some believe you must be strong to survive. You must be physical. You must be aggressive.
Yes. In terms of food and shelter, one must be vigorous. Much of this leads us to believe that this power must be directed toward other humans.
This, of course, is the lie.
Wealth and power are part of the experience, as are meekness and poverty. When one apsect of the experience becomes powerful, look at the polarity.
Christ came here as polarity to his fallen brother.
Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo and Stalin were balanced by Roosevelt, Churchill, DeGaulle and others.
Did light win? I suppose so.
Mr. Lincoln ended slavery. A study of history shows he didn't really do it for the good of the slaves.
Nobel invented the stuff that blows things up. He hoped that it would bring peace. A 'noble' thought from Nobel. This is a tough planet. It is rife with polarity.
No one escapes the nature of things. Better not to try. It would seem the more you are able to accept about yourself the simpler it is to accept that dope who's making your life difficult.
Have a great day everybody and remember this in all of your profound thoughts of human really is all kind of funny...
Look at the US you 'park' in a 'driveway' and you 'drive' on a 'parkway.' Who in tarnation invented that hooey anyway?
Look at politics, if you DON'T lie, cheat and steal you don't have much of a chance at being elected.
Look at the world (not at all funny) Two of the most religiously based nations get up in the morning and slaughter each other's children all day long.
You ever see a platypus? Disney couldn't do better.
How about the siamese twins? Why did they go to England?
So the other one could drive.
Have a great day.
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Tuesday, August 28, 2001 - 03:44 pm: |
To deny the existence of darkness is a trick, darkness wants to play on us. Either darkness and its representatives claim that darkness doesn´ t exist at all (see to the many new age-concepts) or that darkness is everything (satanism or the like). And that´ s the way it goes with darkness; it has got two faces: the one imitates the light, the other is true black.
A safe position regarding the polarity is to recognize both sides, as they in fact both exist. Darkness can´ t really see; it makes you blind, so that you can´ t see it, and it makes you turn everything upside down. It thinks that it is the light, or that it can conquer the light. It denies the existence of itself, thus being the more able to sneak in the backdoor, disguised as the light. Again: It has got two faces.
I had a vision recently, where I "saw" something about the condition in primal cosmos. I "saw" a migthy consciussness all surrounded by a huge darkness. And I felt the certainty of this mighty consciussness: That it could and in fact would conquer the darkness, and at the same time, it knew, that the existence of darkness was necessary, and that it fed the process of the divinity-to-be, fed the whole mightiness of itself when the struggle would be over, and the victorious divinity had arisen.
But this does not mean, that darkness in itself is productive. It does not make evil actions acceptable. It´ s the other way round: We have to see darkness as it really is, and where it is (starting with ourselves). This seeing process, the process where we see darkness and then, hopefully, shun it, is parallel to the Primal Thougt and Primal Wills struggle ind Primal cosmos: Thereby we, at the small scale, win our true victory. Not by being blind and foolish, but by seeing what there is to see. To see the darkness is not to follow its logic. We have to, so to speak, stand by the pool of darkness and see its storms and rage; not to jump into the pool. And thereby we grow.
Polarity exists, no doubt. And that is exactly what we have to see and learn. To journey toward the light is to learn about this polarity, to learn everything about darkness, and something about the light. Again: To see what there is to see. Only the light can make us see. Darkness makes us blind and foolish, denying the truth.
This is a dark world, but we may make it brighter. We may, through "Toward the Light" for example, see that justice exists, and that we are our own judges. We judge ourselves through our actions. Not an eternal judgement, but in a slow progression toward the light. We may see and shun darkness, see it, not accept its actions, and enjoy the rich fruits of the light. That´ s the reason why God confronted us all with the darkness: To become productive beings of age, thus in full harmony with God and cosmos.
By the Lords on Sunday, December 24, 2006 - 05:08 am: |
It's refreshing to hear ones that call themselves Chritian, not all about being perfect by perfect works. I encounter so many that are failing their attempt to do it all perfect and end up thinking they are "doing something" when they revert to pointing out in others the darkness in themselves. The Lord "tells" me, I'm no different but has shown that the Bible passage that states "be perfect" is right after Jesus describes His Father's love. God is not under law, therefore the perfection we can have is not in keeping the law, which is impossible, it is keeping out the iniquity (or, unequalness) that darkness creates by convincing one that they are better than the another. That balance of knowing your place in the universe, which is under God and equal with everyone else, brings perfection in, and of Love.