By Ulla on Tuesday, August 23, 2005 - 11:51 am: |
What can we do today?
Dear Friends,
I start this new thread because I would like to make a few observations concerning “the road ahead” as I see it. Too often we have asked, “What can we do in order to promote Toward the Light – what can we do to make this work of God known in the world today?”
The answer is really quite simple: I have come to recognize that the most important step we can make in this direction is to simply live the message. That is, try with all our might to live such a life as to make other people curious to know more about how we do it. And – voilà! – we produce our favourite book!
So I start out with a few observations, written more like a diary entry – thoughts about duals. Please let me know your thoughts on the ideas I mention here – I believe there is material enough for many deep discussions. And, as we know, one thing leads to another.
Love and Light to you all,
* * * * * * * * * *
About Duals
A thoughtful reverie, written in the Orangerie on August 23rd 2005. But it might have been a century ago. Another time, another place…
I did not realize before today, how heart-rentingly sad it is to have found your dual, only to see him disappear in the swirling unclear mists because of earthly, darkness-determined circumstances.
Which circumstances, how did it happen? Are we really duals, or is this only an imaginary story, written out of necessity, surging from the bottomless void that was my life until only a few months ago?
Ah, will I ever know? Yes, of course I will! That was one firm belief I possessed, and I would like you to participate in some of my discoveries. So many things have been disclosed, so much has changed – it is impossible to account for everything, and useless, too – in fact only he would understand the most important details of my story. He, who held my hand, in spite of all. He, who did not turn around, though it was hard not to make this fatal error. He, who learned from Orpheus’ and Eurydice’s unhappy story. And so, he helped me regain my foothold in this muddy swamp we call life. I would like him to know this, today. This, at least.
What is it about understanding that creates such a strong and infinitely elastic weave between two people? One secret is openness: we cannot hope to be happy with someone who is not fully invited into the innermost vaults of our secret life. So, it becomes self-evident that disclosure of the heart is the solid base where to found our lives. This goes for our life relationship with our chosen life partner above all, but also with our true friends, our children… it even goes for the solid working life foundation that we meet up with sooner or later. Honesty, integrity, the will to be straightforward and to work on our relationships. This is what I learned from the intricately delicious gift of a God-created relationship I once was lucky to become involved in with a very special person. It does not matter where he is now, though it matters very much to me whether he is happy, whether he has made the same joyful, life-inspiring choices that I have myself been lucky enough to be led to make, by God’s strong, fatherly hand.
Today I believe that God sent him to me – no other answer can be found. Throughout the confusion, the chaos, the suffering and the strong wicked smell of incipient doom – God’s Gift was there to lead me through – yes, even when my supposed dual left me, he did not leave me “to my own devices”, oh no. He was still there – indeed he is still here...
Our Father sent this friend to me, and – so I like to think – me to him. Was it a reciprocally fruitful relationship? Yes, I believe it was. I was able to give him something, too. When this life ends, we will meet and it will be a lovely meeting. We never managed to meet in this life, beyond a strong “literary” and pictorial contact – but we’re certainly not through with each other!
If I write “supposed dual” it is simple to understand why. VML-readers all know that we have a dual. And it is sometimes inevitable that we start searching for our dual. We search for happiness – so why should we refrain from looking for our dual? Sometimes we find him/her. Sometimes we don’t – they may not even be incarnated. But the search is somehow humanly inevitable; it is a latent temptation. Still, fortunately we also know that somewhere in the world, presumably in our very own country (why else would God let us grow up in a specific place?), there is a person with whom we have a deal – a sort of pre-written agreement that we should try to find each other, because God has a plan for our joined lives. We have abilities to use and things to sort out, and if we manage to listen to God, be patient and not throw ourselves into the arms of just anyone we may get a teenage crush on – then we will most certainly find the person we made our deal with before this life.
But life is difficult – and often things go wrong. We should use our brains some more, strive to keep in constant contact with our spirit, but… Alas, we have this terribly annoying astral counterpart that likes to try to determine just about everything we should do, feel and think. Have you ever really thought about the power of the astral counterpart? It is one thing I have studied in depth this time around, and I can tell you, it is not encouraging to learn the Whole Truth about the astral part of the human being… The Eldest created us, we all know that – and their creation, which is above all the astral counterpart, is so closely woven into our physical being that it is difficult to distinguish which is which when observed from the dimension beyond earthly life.
What does this mean? Well, it means a whole lot of quite depressing things… It means for instance that sometimes human beings base their lives on the less than solid foundation of mere sexual attraction. This fact alone is enough to give me the shivers. When I recently re-read VML’s description of the astral counterpart, it all came back to me with an impact of hitherto unknown dimensions. Really, we DO have a lot to forgive Ardor! This alone, the determination of earthly life choices by the darkness-created astral counterpart, is the most chillingly sad and frustrating reality that we are faced with here on Earth. Did you ever realize just how much trouble the impulses and instincts we deem to be inevitable and thoroughly, forgiveably human, interfere with our life in a most unfortunate manner? Think about smoking… Smoking is one of the worst self-destructive habits we can possibly adopt in this physical life. But the astral counterpart just adores smoking (drinking, taking drugs, etc.)! The fumes allow the counterpart to take over (= the plan of the Eldest takes over), the smoke itself covers up (literally!) the things we do not like to face, what we do not like to see at all, oh no…(and this is just what the Eldest would like us to do: never face up to the darkness…). And so it takes more than just a willfull gesture of brave determination to stop smoking. It literally takes the courage of a hero to brandish the sword of will and swear never to touch another cigarette.
Also, it takes the courage of the most historic of heroines to, say, fight one’s way out of an abusive relationship where sex is the first and most “noble” weapon. This weapon has been brandished over our heads for many years, perhaps – but we do not realize this, because of the old traditions (created by the darkness) that tell us that sex in marriage is a “holy duty” – so we must succumb. And if our spouse betrays us, this happens only because he is “a man” – and, as we know, “men are more likely to need sex”, and so their infidelity has been “acceptable” throughout the centuries as something to be easily forgiven. But, lo and behold! – the betrayed woman still has this powerful weapon: the bloodline… No one but she can give the man whose name she wears lawful heirs… and on and on and on.
Now, this sounds like something out of a history book, and this is what it hopefully will only be, in a few decades’ time. Today, reality still looks too much like the above two examples.
There is much work to be done, so much work… I believe that we, the Consolidated VML-readers, should be the first to lay open our lives and get deep into the process of cleaning out the rust and the dust. I am still walking this path – and I was so lucky as to set out on my journey hand in hand with a true friend. Was he my dual? We both wondered at the time; we both hoped so, and we both dared not trust the idea. Perhaps we really are duals; I really don’t know. How can I know if I never met him physically, if I never looked him in the eye? True, the deepest of understandings was ours – is this enough?
I can say this much: I have met a person whom I believe to have been my husband in an earlier life. And it must have been a happy life, marriage-wise, because with him today I have the deepest understanding. We have not any deal about living together this time around – but our friendship is a truly unique one. However, I do not think he is my dual – simply because I do not think that God would allow duals not to live together, if they have the possibility of meeting each other.
Anyway, we should not search for our dual. They might be here, they might not – VML is quite clear on the topic. Rather, we should await the person with whom we have a deal, a pre-incarnation agreement. Of course there are various types of agreements. And with the man I even today like to call my dual, I certainly had a deal. Another kind of deal, but still a deal. I believe we managed to keep our deal. Yes, we did. And I am grateful that he recognized me. Thank you, “Dual”!
By Mara on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 05:55 am: |
Dear Ulla and dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you so much for starting this thread, it is the middle of the night and I am dead tired, only as I am too tired to go on cleaning I briefly went here to refuel spiritually, I was just saying earlier to my partner how I miss my friends who all live far away in another counrty, and how I miss to have people with whom I can exchange thoughts with, especially thoughts concerning ideas in TTL.
Anyways, I just had to respond at least briefly - I love what you said about what we can do today. I will try to remember that every day - another practical thing a friend of mine and me are doing is to donate several TTL books to libraries in our respective areas, so as to provide more opportunities for chance to lead people to it. Would we not all wish for such an opportunity to come our way in this or another lifetime?
About Duals. I also have pondered this greatly and I had for some time had ideas about who was my dual, who I wished it to be, and as our living/being together was not possible, what to do?
Sometimes what gave me consolation when I did not find the love I was looking for was just knowing that he was there somewhere - and then, mostly after having read the Ringbearers Diary, it dawned on me to not look for my dual but to see who might be there with whom I had made an appointment, and then, within a very short time I found, or rather 'recognized' him, a longtime friend and now father of my latest son.
I don't know if we are duals or not, but I do know that I am just where I am supposed to be, and that feels good.
More later, as my brain is going to sleep already...
Much Love,
PS: Ulla, also look in the birth and pregnancy thread.