By Morten on Saturday, January 04, 2003 - 06:40 pm: |
Dear all,
At an earlier oocasion - I don't reember the thread - a person called Peace Pilgrim was mentioned. I have created a small web-site for her, to be found on:
Barefoot-peace pilgrim page.
Here's an example of her wisdom:
"Religion is not an end in itself. One's union with God is the ultimate goal. There are so many religions because immature people tend to emphasize trivial differences instead of important likenesses. Differences between faiths lie in creeds and rituals rather than religious principles.
How diverse the many paths seem to be at times, but do they not all come together eventually upon the same mountaintop? Are they not all striving for the same thing?
If you are guided towar a faith, use it as a stepping stone to God, not as a barrier between yourself and God's other children or as a tower to hold you aloft from others. If you are not guided toward a faith (or even if you are) seek God in the silence - seek within.
When we attempt to isolate another we only isolate ourselves. We are all God's children and there are no favorites. God is revealed to all who seek; God speaks to all who will listen. Be still and know God."
Love Morten
By Mara on Saturday, February 01, 2003 - 01:23 am: |
Thanks, Morten. Next to Toward the Light and The Scattered Brotherhood, Peace Pilgrim is one of my greatest sources for strenght and inspiration. I will take a look at the website when I have a moment, it makes me feel happy to know that she will not be forgotten.
By G T on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 07:40 am: |
hello all
lifetime christian, new to ttl, familiar with the light as the Lord was showing me all along, and, indeed, confirmed with this original information. after i read through just the web site pages (still not done), all that i had believed without understanding, i understood. all the questions were answered. the only doubts i had up to that point were from religion and were cleared. this was the gospel message that rang true and, with uncontainable exuberance, i could share with everybody without shame. my faith on Him became assurety. He had prepared me for the last three years for this information, otherwise i might have passed it by or, as most who i try to introduce it to, shunned and bashed it.
new questions have risen. i haven't read the ?'s and answers so i appologize if i could have gotten it there.
are the eldest and youngest occupying all humans? are they our "souls"? is it supposed to be that, if i know, i should i be actively searching for my other "two by two", my "joseph of arimathea" or my "jesus"?
should i, this human, be searching for that human partner for marriage as well in this late date? if this is not my first time around, and i was already married, should i stay single for the rest of the lives unless i find that one again? i'm single now, 38, and never married this time around. i had given myself to the words of Christ when he was speaking to the phars. of marriage and they said that if it was one woman for life, it was better not to be married. Jesus said, "only to those whom it has been given". so has it been given to me not to be married? or is this more of my religious interpretation?
i have many others but even if i don't get answers, it does not bother me. it would just make anyone "feel" better if they knew that they were doing what they were supposed to do.
and to anyone looking for those indications, the light of His love has broken through to this spirit. and as much darkness i see, He continally suprizes me with those "flash of light" experiences. i already knew His love, but not in full. i knew as much about Him as most scholars of the Bible (i am unlearned), but that was part of the problem. reading through the information was like that last pound of pressure that broke the dam that was holding in most of the love that the Lord wants to pour out of me, making it possible for me to love practically and without limit. yes, friends, you "should" be over joyed, for that which you seek for is always happening. even in just thinking upon Him, i experience others receiveing the same love that He is always pouring out. i'm really trying to express what can only be experienced. i find myself sicerely going out to others for love's sake and not for obligation.
recently, i received three of those emials from nigeria trying to scam me out of what i was trying to sell on the internet. i would normally send a scathing and judgmental reply to their attempt at stealing. the Lord reminded me (again, as always) "these are family" "leave none behind" "love all". all the sudden i was typing a half page plea to repent, to stop sealing his own judgment etc etc (the Lord's love flows continually so i had to cut myself off at one page). i sent the same response to all three thieves. to my uttermost joy, one replied asking what i could do for him. what could i do but encourage him in the love and forgiveness of the Lord, in continued repentance, love every as God does, forgive as you've been forgiven, and right wrongs whenever he can and, of course, put in the link to the ttl pages i read. the Lord works!!
your brother