By Julia and Mara on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 12:26 am: |
TTL Commentary Nr.7
"Human spirits who have had common interests, sympathetic connections and the like during their earthly existence often form larger or smaller cirles. The various members of these circles will then meet sometimes in the earthly and sometimes in the transcendental existence; and when they have all overcome the power of Darkness through the strengh of their will for the Light, and have thus completed their many reincarnations, those who have come together will all simultaneously be transferred to one of the globes in the distant star universes, so that they may there complete their spiritual development."
I have been wanting to ask this question for years. I was wondering how the above reconciles with the concept of free will. It would seem that if one person in the circle had, for example, sinned to a large degree, he/she would be subject to more incarnations. Do the people in the circle just sit around and wait?
This question applies also to the concept of the duals simultaneously ending their incarnations.
If one of them likewise errs, what does the other one do in the meantime? Does she likewise sit around and wait? Any insights, thoughts or more unknown letters pertaining to this subject are very much appreciated.
Julia and Mara
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 11:12 am: |
Dear Julia and Mara,
Well, I don’t think that the people in the circle just sit around and wait… In the spheres there is a lot of work to do – and enough wonderful things to learn and study or just enjoy – to while away eternities, should we need to do so! At least this is how I imagine life in the spheres to be.
There is no contradiction to the concept of free will here. If the members of a group/circle of like spirits have formed solid and intense relationships among themselves, they would be unlikely to “just leave the others behind” – don’t you think?
Of course, in our narrow, earthly mentality we may think it unlikely that anyone would “sit around” for several centuries of millennia, just to wait for little old us. This has a lot to do with the opinion we have of ourselves, here on the Earth. Most of us have been told more or less directly, “You are not worthy” – if not in our current life, it has probably happened time and again in past lifetimes.
Apart from thinking that we would not be worthy of anyone else’s love and consideration to this degree, there is also the contrary aspect: our own impatience to travel to the distant globes….However, we cannot apply human, earthly selfishness to life in the spheres. When we are free of our physical body, we see things quite differently, I can assure you! In my opinion, when we really love someone, we will gladly wait for that cherished spirit to make his way through the earthly lives he still has to live in order to settle all his outstanding issues.
It does take some exercise to imagine life in the spheres, granted – but try to imagine yourself within a circle of friends – true friends, not just the kind of “friends” we sometimes make on this planet – persons who will whisper behind your back if you put on red shoes when everyone else wears Reeboks, or similar silly, earthly gossip. A true friend is someone who accepts you for who you are – not someone who is ready to pass on your secrets to anyone, or giving in to any other impulses of the darkness, for the sake of a “good laugh”, to gain more popularity within the “group”, etc. I think we all know something about such unfortunate human behaviour.
In the spheres this kind of behaviour is impossible – for the simple reason that it is of the darkness. In our disincarnate state we are able to instantly understand the thoughts and moods of our fellow spirits unless they prefer to hide out somewhere – so if Caroline from Alabama once gossiped about us in a distasteful way while claiming to be our friend – when we meet her in the spheres, she will likely shuffle around hanging her head in shame over what she did. If she has managed to review her past incarnation with some clarity, she may ask our forgiveness. But this is up to her free will – there is nothing we can do about it. Free will implies free choice of action.
Also, it is possible to ask permission to help incarnated friends by acting as their guardian spirits while waiting for their incarnations to finish. This applies especially to the Youngest, of course – but if a human spirit or one of the Eldest who have finished their earthly incarnations wish to help their friends, they probably can, in some way. If anything, by sending their loving thoughts and prayers to the incarnated. Just as we can help our departed friends and relatives with our loving thoughts, while we still live on Earth. The power of thought and prayer is immense.
The dual relationship is somewhat different – naturally the duals will wait for each other, whatever happens. There is no question of one leaving for a distant galaxy without the other! (See Q&A Supplement I, no. 40.)
As far as I remember, this topic has not been touched upon in Johanne Agerskov’s letters.
It is difficult – but not impossible – to understand what Love really is, here on Earth. If we do not make an effort to understand the implications of God’s unconditional love for us all, much of what is written in TTL can be difficult to understand. On the contrary, if we base ourselves on the concept of unconditional love – the book becomes easier to read – and we have taken a great leap forward towards the understanding of things which have hitherto seemed totally void of meaning to us. (See Q&A Supplement I, no. 39.)
We must work actively to understand God and his love for us. The next step is to trust in his love – and perhaps to try to imitate him as well as we can… Be it only by keeping our eyes open thus not missing the elderly lady who needs our help to cross a busy street. Or by “seeing through” our mother’s despair over a dirty pair of socks we left on the floor and try to repair. We should start from the small things, this will make it easier to move on to greater tasks.
Life on Earth is what counts most, right now. There is so much work to be done, right here – but with so many people gathering now around TTL’s message, hope shines brighter than ever before! I believe in the possibility of making this world a better place – but it does require the conscious effort of us all.
I am sure our other friends have comments to make on this subject – Julia and Mara: keep the questions coming!
By Julia and Mara on Sunday, June 09, 2002 - 12:47 am: |
Dear Ulla,
thanks you so much for your thoughtful and eloquent response. It now seems so obvious that we were wondering how we did not think of it in this way, we had not taken into consideration that the time for human beings spent in the spheres between lifetimes might be different at the end of the earthly incarnations.
It is encouraging to hear that many people are gathering around TTL. We have encountered interest but there are only 3 of us that have fully embraced the message of TTL.
Much Love,
Julia and Mara