By Morten on Wednesday, May 15, 2002 - 01:48 pm: |
Dear all,
I'm in the process of making Peter Kjaerulff's web-page known to the web (, just to make a bit of publicity). In that process, I stumbled over something called the Open Directory Project - you may find information on it on the Some of the really important directories are part of this project.
They seek, among other things, socalled editors, to help in creating the web-directory structure within certain areas - and I of course thought of Toward the Light. From more than one point of view:
Toward the Light should have its own category, something I will try to work out with the ODP guys. In my opinion we should opt for a category under 'Society -> Religion and Spirituality'. TtL is not a religion, but I cannot find a better choice. Have a look, if you want, in the, to see if you can find a better category, and let me know.
I would then, if we obtain such a category, apply for being the editor for the Toward the Light catogory. What this implicates is that I would add and organize links with TtL references (of which there are at least a dozen to my knowledge).
The whole idea of this is to make TtL more visible on the web. Today some very good TtL web-sites exist, but a coordinated approach to the web-directories could perhaps add some visitors to these pages - to the benefit of all.
The reason I put this idea forth here on the forum is simply that I would like your reactions, ideas and opinions on this.
Love Morten
By Mara Vazquez on Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 06:01 pm: |
Hi Morten,
I think this is a great idea. The web as a means for international communication is a great way to spread the message of TTL. I looked and agree with you that the category above seems the best fit, and hope it works to optain a separate one for TTL under these headings.
I would like to also state here that I believe the website could use more and better information and layout. I admit I was very excited when I first found it and then quite disappointed to the lack of content. At least there is this site and the altementi webiste and some others that offer more detailed information. Go ahead and do it, Morten, and lets keep this dialogue open as I believe the web could certainly be a place for better visibility for TTL without imposing on anyone.
Love and Light,
By Diamond Jim on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 01:04 am: |
Reactions, opinions and ideas . . . Yes, Morten I have some on this topic. I ask for your patience here as I feel it is important to "flesh out " my thoughts on this matter . . . my thoughts, in some ways, conflict with one another but this is not so surprising in a world of contradictions and upside-down ideas. What is even more important is to turn my thinking inside out . . . so it is visible. I do not seek to convince, cajole or persuade anyone but I do hope to stimulate some thinking on this topic. I hope to leave some loose threads for someone else to pull on rather than creating a seamless garment of logic (that either fits you or it doesn't.)
I support the idea of listing TTL and the other language translations on but I have some reservations about how it might be categorized in such a system . . . I know the day will come when the TTL will become the topic of intense literary interest . . . I believe that day will be a bright one because men and women who have allied their own personal convictions with the truths stated in TTL will have honed their skills in intellectual debate, razor-sharp logical comparisions and passionate, emotional argument, they will be ready for the tidal wave of unstructured fear, hope, desperation and blind faith that will come with such interest. These men and women will have already conducted exhaustive research in the life sciences, astronomy and literary history and pooled this knowledge into a compelling testament of the evidence of light and darkness in terrestrial history. I ask myself the question is that bright day here? . . . not yet is the answer I hear.
I want to point out that there is a difference between wanting TTL to become more widely known to more people so that they may grow spiritually and wanting TTL to become more widely known to the empirical world (the intelligensia, literati, digerati and scientific dogmatists) There is a phenomemon in fire-fighting called a backdraft . . . it happens when a door is opened on a room that is already burning - the sudden rush of oxygen causes the fire to literally explode. This metaphor may be too extreme for some but around this planet the fires of religious hatred continue to burn. I recommend that doors not be pulled open quickly . . . placing one's hand on the door to see if it is warm is a good approach.
Morten, I want to thank you for raising this topic and I especially want to thank you for your polite solicitation of reactions, opinions and ideas. It would seem that I have reacted to your suggestion as if you were about to let a secret 'out of the bag' by trying to work TTL into a classification scheme (that is essentially used to help people find information). Well, the secret has been 'out of the bag' for over eighty years . . . so what is my problem . . . my problem is library science and its twisted cousin 'Internet classification scemes'. I can see where the trend is going from observing the classification schemes of Internet portals (1.stuff you can buy on-line and 2. other stuff) and the trend is disturbing . . . it is all so practical and utilitarian (Primal Scream therapy, Native Indian spirituality, and UFOs in the same list). It is all so mediocre and short-sighted. When that bright day I was referring to earlier arrives then I propose we ask to create a category entitled 'Truths from God'. My ranting over library science follows from the research that I have done into the way that Toward the Light has been classified by the Library of Congress (the descriptor keyword is Jesus Christ) . . . even the Royal Danish Library has a confusing set of listings for the books (at least in the English language listings) so it follows that I have some trepidation about the muck that this most beautiful message may fall into.
It is my opinion that TTL was a key designed for special lock. The lock was not opened because the key was never used, the Silence of the Bishops and the chosen priests saw to this (RE: the Letter to the Danish Bishops). The inherent structure of the document is one that now (reading the book 80 years later) requires some understanding of the "context" of the purpose for which it was produced. How can this special context be preserved so that that when a person is exposed to the thoughts within TTL they are not required to sort through the sensationalism and bias of people who simply love an argument . . . whatever the topic or consider the subsequent discussion if someone jumps in and says "I have been channelling someone named 'Hector' since 1972 and he says that Toward the Light has stolen his story". It is TTL's obscurity that allows it to be considered, perhaps we begin to prepare ourselves years in advance of actually coming into contact with the book . . . through what we choose to read . . . and what we choose not to read (not to mention our studies in the spheres between lifetimes). I think that this aspect of the propagation of the Message of TTL needs to be discussed and better understood . . . and protocols developed (for example, take a situation where one is describing TTL to an open -minded individual who is interested in knowing more about the concepts but at the same time cannot accept the texts as being written by anyone but the Agerskovs). The Foundation has been careful to encourage a "person to person" mode of transmission, I feel that this has allowed the transcendental side to assist in this activity. The Internet has added a new octave to the possibilities of transmitting the message of TTL, there are several language versions now and they are all (or soon to be) available on line. This is progress, gradual progress.
So if TTL was a key designed for a special lock . . . what is it now? It is most certainly a document of truth but at the same time it is a HISTORICAL document of truth. It is very possible that this subtle point could result in many people "dismissing" the message of TTL because it is "dated" . . . because it is not relevant to the year 2002 . . . nothing could be further from the truth but this is a possible scenario. Contrast this scenario with an individual's quiet contemplation of something that they had been searching for and found for themselves. If anything - this book should be classified under historical research. The use of 'religion' as designation of a possible classification of TTL in an Internet Open Directory is - to put it bluntly - dangerous. I recognize that you had proposed it for a lack of anything better and that your basic motivation is the futher propagation of this message so that more may know it. I share this desire but I think that it is far more valuable for only a few people to "hear about" TTL by reading an informed discussion/debate on its contents than for two hundred people to learn about it though a 'flame session' between an articulate, cynical atheist and a person who has only recently been exposed to the ideas that are expressed in TTL and may not be able to mount any convincing counter-arguments. Agreed, I am speculating about the "reception" of the ideas in TTL. The Internet will exponentially increase the reach of this message, without a doubt . . . yet it is impossible to anticipate the "ripples on the pond" that will fan out from this activity. I trust that the 'other side' has not abandoned this project and I trust that we will recognize the mark of their 'guiding hands'.
The passage in Questions and Answers that comes to mind (Second Supplement Q. 70. related to the topic of whether TTL is a religious system like all others) is the one that addresses "those who know". The people who have "discovered" the truths in Toward the Light have a certain responsibility . . . depending on their spiritual heritage . . . to work towards spreading the message.
"But although Toward the Light and the related works are expressions of eternal truths, God will never -- by decree -- compel human beings to acknowledge that which as been given, or to comply with it. For no individual can grasp more than the spiritual self, according to its development, is capable of comprehending. What God does ask of human beings in this respect is that those of His incarnated emmissaries who understand this Work from their inner knowledge and who recognize its truths must also fully acknowedge these truths to the world and share them in full with their fellow human beings, so that also regarding this question do they become pioneers for those whose thoughts are too weak, too immature to recognize that they are confronted with a work presented to them as a gift, a gift that God has given to all His children.
Morten, the excerpt above illustrates the "directive" in our motivations to see the message of TTL made available to others . . . the text states "to acknowledge these truths to the world" - yes, yes, yes, but this does not mean we have to pitch ourselves headlong into the fight without preparation and circumspection.
I have a way to "prove my point" on this matter. I invite you to visit This is a site that elaborates on the writing of a man named Padgett (who received the messages between 1914 and 1923), as an early "channeler" or a late spiritualist medium (depending on how you look at it) communicated with angels and discarnate spirits to create a complete cosmology of our origins and our spiritual heritage . . . sound familiar . . . O.K. here is my point: on their site there are links to a message board that uses identical software to the one you are using at this very moment, the contibuted entries are from some very sincere an mutually supportive individuals . . . just like you and I.
Many of the topics that are addressed are the ones we are talking about . . . including comparing notes on how they might go about speading the "messages from God and the Angels". Sigh! How all this will settle remains a mystery to me. By now . . . I hope you have figured out that I think we should just roll the dice and see what happens (but at the right moment). I am really hoping to hear from others on what I have written here. (loose threads? pick one and pull).
"As a parting thought . . (excerpt from the First Supplement, Questions and Answers Q. 13 )
"For it depends on human beings themselves, it depends on whether they will accept or reject God's message.
But one thing can be said with certainty: "Toward the Light" has gained a foothold in the human world, its thoughts and its message can never be cancelled out and can never disappear; for what has been given rests upon the rock of the truth, and is borne forward by the wish of God and under His guidance.
Even though all the clergies of the world should turn out in fill force to stem the progress of "Toward the Light" they would never succeed. The work will nonetheless advance and its thoughts will spread from man to man, for "Though the mills of God grind slowly nothing in the world can stop them!"
By Morten on Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 02:05 pm: |
Jim, I just wanted to let you know, that I am 'chewing' your message, as we would say in Denmark - it takes some time.
By G T on Sunday, January 07, 2007 - 08:16 am: |
sow generously, put it out wherever you can. our time is always opportune. even if ttl settles in some list of occult or self help or after death books, someone, who either didn't know at all or might be thinking of ttl as some occult anyways, might read it and the truth would always work it's way out and work that person's way in.
repetition, in that person possibly seeing ttl on so many lists, works on all humans. we don't need to "sell" this, of course, but put out the full 5 talents that are available to you.
your brother with too much love on his hands,