By Robert K. on Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 04:43 pm: |
Yesterday I watched the late news on TV and they showed a report on the break-up of the ice in the Antarctic. An enormous iceberg (approximately the size of the Swedish island Gotland) with a weight of 5,000 million billion ton has collapsed into the sea, and of course the scientists are worried. But should they be?
During the late news, it strikes me that this break-up and melting of the ice is exactly the opposite of what happened during the Ice Ages. And what caused the Ice Ages? Well, contrary to the climatic scientists, we have the right answer to that question in the book Toward the Light (page 273, the English edition).
”Since the sun has to a great extent been affected by the many collisions with accumulations of Darkness that drifted, and which still drift, about in space, those radiations that reach the Earth through the atmospheric layers are not of a uniform strength, because the rays from the affected parts are considerably weaker than the others. These differences influence the meteorological and climatic conditions.
The Ice Ages of the Earth were caused by the reduced strength of the sun’s radiance after collisions with drifting accumulations of Darkness; but since the radiance from the sun’s corona of Light and the surrounding Light-ether have eliminated large portions of the accumulations of Darkness that were depolarized by the collision, more normal climatic conditions prevail once more on Earth at this time, many thousands of years later.”
Now the ravaged Kingdom is gone. The Eldest, who were incarnated by the Elder, are gone. Much Darkness has been depolarized here on Earth and around it. There are less drifting accumulations of Darkness in space. And no human being can, in the same way as the Eldest could, with their thought attract Darkness. In other words, accumulations of Darkness are not colliding with the earthly sun to the same extent as, let’s say, 10,000 or 20,000 years ago. This must mean that our sun can ”work” more smoothly and more according to the laws of Light now.
When I watched the news yesterday, some scientists said, ”something is not right in the research findings. The big climatic changes we now see on Earth cannot be explained exclusively by the fact that the discharge of carbon dioxide has increased. There must be something else, something we have forgot in our calculations. The change of temperature is too small in relation to the big break-up of the ice we see today in the Antarctic. We still ponder”
Antarctic ice shelf collapses in largest event of last 30 years.
And I wonder, what if the climatic changes in the polar areas is a natural process on Earth?
We all know that the weather conditions on all continents have become more extreme lately: floodings, hurricanes, thunderstorms, heat waves, dry weather and so on. But remember, the Earth has during millions of years been under the influence of heavy spiritual and astral Darkness, what if the Earth is trying to cleanse itself now, when the Eldest are gone? I am aware of the fact that it is not politically correct to question the greenhouse effect. If we take a look at our big towns and industrial regions on Earth, we can see the pollution in these areas and everyone knows that we have to do something about this before we suffocates. The pollution causes allergies, asthma, cancer, anaemia and hundreds of other known and unknown diseases. We – the mankind – have to do something about this soon, without question.
Back to the Antarctic, can it be that the melting icebergs are a completely natural phenomenon and that it is caused by the increased strength of the sun’s radiance because of less drifting accumulations of Darkness in space? A kind of reversed Ice Age, so to speak? Perhaps this has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect. Maybe all this ”break-up of the ice problem” is not a problem at all? What we see in the Antarctic is perhaps God adjusting some abnormal conditions?
Well, just some thoughts… during the late news.
With love,
By Colin M. on Sunday, March 24, 2002 - 06:45 am: |
Very interesting Robert and opening another conversation thread that can help us all to occupy our minds.
It does bring to mind a thought I have had for a long time that is also not “PC.”
The ‘accepted’ version of the extinction of the dinosaurs is a comet or asteroid striking the earth in the Gulf of Mexico region and while I have no doubt that such an event did occur, I am drawn more to another instance of darkness drawing an object done to strike the earth as the real cause not only of that extinction but of other major changes to our world.
To preface this, I have to go back to the beginning of TTL when God created the universes and placed the seeds of life on our Earth. As God is perfection and thus incapable of making a mistake, the rotations of the other worlds in our universe and the axis of our planet must then by application of that perfection also have been ‘perfect’. In other words, the present ‘tilting’ of our planet could not have existed at that point in time. Both arctic poles then would have been much smaller and more equal and the light-energy of the sun would have struck the planet in more or less an equal amount so that even the divisions of the ‘zones’ would have been more equal and constant.
To my mind, this then would have been the state of things at that time – No ‘wobble’ in our planets revolutions, no eccentricities in the orbits of the planets in our solar system. Thus, an ordered and balanced state.
Then, as the accumulated darkness was drawn ‘down’ to our planet through the actions of Ardor and those who followed him, things began to change.
If one examines our planet for indications of a ‘strike’ of an object, one stands out to some as most revelatory.
The island of Iceland is not normal. To clarify, if one examines a ‘crater’ of a meteor or asteroid strike, one finds that it is like the earth has ‘folded over’ on itself. The bottom of the crater becomes the top of the rim of the crater.
Iceland is exactly like that. The entire island shows on its surface, features that should not exist and do not exist in other areas where the land is more or less one that shows signs of having been ‘pushed up.’
Another point often mentioned is that to cause such an extinction as that of the dinosaurs, any ‘strike’ by a meteor or asteroid would need to have occurred in water. This would then cause not only solid matter to be thrown up into the stratosphere but also steam. The potential for more of a total covering of the planet and a more total blocking of the sun is then stronger. This can be compared to the explosions of a volcano for example where mainly particulate matter is ‘thrown up’ and while definitely covering and blocking, does not last for the length of time necessary to bring about such major climatic changes as that required to bring about an extinction.
The ‘strike’ in the Gulf of Mexico also has the feature of occurring in a relatively central portion of the planet and if one examines the physic of lines of force of an object striking a ball, the ball is moved in the opposite direction of a central strike.
However, in looking at our planet, there is only one place where there has been a strike that would cause a ‘tilting’ and also would throw up steam as well as particulate matter and that is Iceland.
A strike in that portion of the planet, I feel, is what caused the axis of our planet to ‘tilt’ and resulted in not only the wobble in our worlds revolution but also in the various differences in climatic zones that are not anywhere near even.
We now then have a situation where instead of an even effect of sunlight – equal to all parts of the planet – a great variance. This variance also has caused and continues to cause drought, starvation, death, freezing, floods and a myriad of other so-called ‘natural’ conditions.
As I cannot envision for even a moment that perfection would allow such an imperfect situation – it can only be due to a manifestation of darkness that has caused such an imperfection.
In my admittedly ‘unscientific’ view then, the strike that caused not only the extinction of life several times and also brought about the various “Ice Ages’ was due to the strike that created Iceland which tilted our world from its natural state to one where such cataclysmic events could occur. Only at this point on our planet can one find such a strike that could ‘tilt’ the axis of our planet.
As it is mentioned in TTL and as you pointed out Robert, the Light is working to ‘normalize’ and bring our world back into that perfect state. As the ‘wobble’ that created the vast ice sheets that are the arctic zones is in a sense artificial, part of that correction towards ‘normal’ would then seem to logically indicate that these ice sheets would also by result become smaller and more ordered.
Yes, the results of the melting ice sheets will raise water levels but I can envision that as a good thing. Vast areas of our planet are uninhabitable due to desertification and if those areas which at one time were the bottom of oceans and seas are once again filled to a level where the surrounding areas can show renewed plant life, much of the starvation caused in areas like Northern Africa and in that ‘band’ around our planet that essentially corresponds to those desert regions has the potential to be obviated.
This could also explain the end of various ‘civilizations’ over the centuries. It was recently discovered in Southern Egypt by a scientist named I believe ‘Fekhri’ (I am probably spelling his name incorrectly) that at the end of the first great Egyptian civilization approx. 4,200 years ago, climatic changes resulted in an over 200 year event of low levels of Nile flooding and drought that destroyed that first state of Egyptian culture. This is of course derided by self-proclaimed Egyptologists that claim through their religion that the Nile has never failed and has always ‘by the Grace of God’ brought life to the Nile Valley- a claim that has many times been proven to be based on other than truth and reality.
There may of course be other areas, which today are inhabited, that may – or may not due to a balancing of the water level as it is taken up by those areas that are now desert – become inhabitable, but the potential for an improved worldwide situation would seem to outweigh any negative. There may also be the end of some present-day ‘civilizations’ or cultures with new ones then growing to take their place.
I must say I was intrigued and a little excited when I learned of the breaking off of the large ice mass in Antarctica as it did seem to me to be an indication of a promising future and a lessening of many of the planetary manifestations of darkness. The arctic regions are the main engines of climatic violence on our planet and a lessening of their power to cause storms, winds, etc. is to me a good thing.
My fear over mankind caused climatic problems is that as the world comes closer to ‘normalcy’ our interference through pollution and the raping of the rainforests and the oceans will then cause an ‘over-correction’ and we will see a swing past the state of ‘what should be’ to another state of ‘what should not be.’
Also, as a note to you Robert, I see this thread as another example of a gift given to us by you and Amelius Publishing. There is no other forum where those of us who believe the Truth can come and let our thoughts flow so easily. Whether in science or life concepts you have given us a place to explore.
Thank you!
By Colin M. on Sunday, March 31, 2002 - 07:23 am: |
Due to an email query I received, - actually quite derisive and anonymous and not I feel from anyone that has read TTL so perhaps an indication that others are finding this forum - which is a good thing - I would like to add something.
One of the most interesting things about Iceland is that it just shouldn't exist. Iceland is not really a 'volcanic' island per se, but as I understand it, it is on a fault at the joining of two tectonic plates - the Eurasian and the N. A. (I do have a picture but it is too big to insert so if anyone is interested they can go to the following address and see how Iceland stands out as being totally unique -
Here is an extract from a description of the Volcano-Tectonic Structures of Iceland taken from ''.
"Unlike the simple structural features of the normal mid-ocean ridge axis, the structure of the volcanic and tectonic zones of Iceland is relatively complex. The active volcanic zones of Iceland are composed of a series of elongated fissure swarms, each several tens to hundreds km in length, and with a large volcanic complex in the center (Einarsson 1991). These central volcanic complexes are the major pathways of magmas to the surface. The fissure swarms trend generally NE-SW in southern and central Iceland, but N-S in the volcanic zone north of Vatnajokull, and they are arranged in an echelon manner (fig. 4).
Most of the seismic activity in Iceland is related to the plate boundary of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, as it crosses the country. In the volcanic zones, the tectonics are dominated by spreading processes. Here the minimum compressive stress is consistently horizontal, and generally oriented perpendicular to the trend of the volcanic zone. Fissures open up against this minimum stress, resulting in dike emplacement and fissure eruptions. The other principal stresses are vertical, either related to normal faulting (dominant) or strike-slip. Earthquakes occur in swarms, both temporally and spatially, within each fissure system. The main earthquake activity in the Iceland region is, however, confined to the Tjornes Fracture Zone north of Iceland, and the South Iceland Seismic Zone. These regions are structurally analogous to transform faults in the mid-ocean ridge system, and they represent translation of the ridge axis to the Iceland hotspot."
Iceland is the only place on the globe that is like this. Northern Japan around Hakkaido and the South Island of New Zealand are also on a 'plate joining' but are not the result of a possible strike and do not have nearly the same unique features, and the 'politically-correct' accepted version of various extinctions is within a 'plate' and not on a 'joining.'
A strike by an object in exactly the spot that created Iceland, would have resulted in not only steam and particulate matter from the strike, and a 'tilting' of the earth's axis due to the oblique angle of the strike, (note the structure of the description of the fissures above as being of a general N. S. line with with a "large volcanic complex in the center" which seems to indicate that the line of force of the strike came from 'down' as it were, to 'up'or from up to down rather than 'in' as is the PC accepted strike) but also, as the 'object' - as is shown - would have 'punched' right through the earth's crust at that point and thrown up volcanic debris and the incredible heat that would have resulted from a punching right through the crust to expose the magma to the ocean, would have resulted in a let off of steam that could not have been equaled by the 'PC' strike in the Gulf of Mexico.
Note also the mention of 'complexes' and 'fissure swarms' - as would occur when a large object is 'broken up' and yet still accompanied by the 'satellite' objects which would strike separately - yet if massive enough - relatively close together. Witness the recent strike on Jupiter by a comet and this was broken up far out from the planet. If the 'break-up' occurred in our atmosphere from contact with our atmosphere - say from an asteroid rather than a comet which is less dense - then everything seems to 'fall into place'.
In TTL there are many places where Humans are enjoined to 'discover' and 'discuss' certain things ourselves.
As pointed out in another thread on the Universe, we are doing so and it is quite interesting to read the discussions in that thread and the postings by Pali and Ulla and 'Diamond' Jim on the 'Mother Sun', the Pistol Star, and 'Fourth Dimension'.
Einstein is reputed to have said "Imagination is more important than knowledge." It seems to me that many 'scientists' (of course not all or we would not have any advancement) and 'doctors', have such closed minds - perhaps more likely to indocrination while being educated which destroyed their imagination rather than a personal fault - that it is only in open discussion such as that possible on a forum such as this one that we can explore 'other' possiblilities.
I once sent a 'snail-mail' letter to a scientist in Canada that wrote a book about 'Atlantis' and quoted to him the coordinates given to us in the Books - but without receiving an answer. And there they all still are today, schlepping around of the coast of Miami hoping to find what doesn't exist there. Perhaps it is because the weather there is so nice that it is more comfortable to have a research center based there than elsewhere. Just hop on a boat in the morning a dn then back to the mainland for drinks and dinner in the evening.
The same can be said for the first great civilization 30,000 years ago in the South Pacific. Totally discounted by archaeologists that seem almost required by law to follow the 'accepted' versions. But that is for another posting!
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Tuesday, April 02, 2002 - 12:42 pm: |
I have often wondered about the peculiar structure of the Icelandic part of the mid-atlantic ridge. It has a quite different topology – as if the glaciers have actually “grated” the area to the south-west of the island. Obviously, this area is very young, geologically speaking. The island’s location across the division of two tectonic plates makes of Iceland a very explosive natural phenomenon, as we have seen several times in the past. Volcanic eruptions can happen from one day to the next, sometimes to wash away all infrastructures in the desert eastern part of the country – and islands appear and vanish in the area.
There is a magnificent view of Iceland and its place at the top of the mid-atlantic ridge as seen from space; those interested may consult and/or . I have found some exceptional satellite photos of the entire planet on this site during my studies of the mid-atlantic ridge with a special regard to the position of Atlantis. These studies are briefly outlined at . From the highlighted photos it results that Atlantis is still there, in the place where Plato said it was and which has since been precisely pointed out by TTL. Of course the Atlantean island lies at considerable depth, but not too deep to find for modern deep sea equipment, I am sure.
The trouble about “modern science” is that experts from different areas seldom consult each other. Even today there is very little interdisciplinary cooperation – to the detriment of the entire human race. Some rare cases of true cooperation have long since proved how results become much clearer, capable of surprising us with startling details and a great general enhancement of knowledge. It is very strange e.g. that an ocean expert such as Jacques Cousteau did not heed the information relayed to him by Carsten Skaarup (the exact position of Atlantis as stated in TTL) at the beginning of the 1980ies when Cousteau declared that he would be off searching for Atlantis. This is much the same as the case you describe, Colin: Cousteau searched near and far: off the coast of Marocco (not so far from the real place, actually!), in the Mediterrenean Sea at Santorini (!) – and I believe, in the Carribbean Sea too. If he didn’t, others have – probably for the reasons you mention! ;-)
I guess the time simply has not come yet. May we live to see the discovery. Who knows – someone might even remember that they have read about the coordinates in a strange book… an old book still uncannily present in the modern world – and very much so!