By Colin M. on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 04:33 am: |
Hello All,
Back in the mid-1980's, I was sent, by the American Foundation of Toward the Light, a copy of an "Open Letter to all the Bishops in Denmark" said to be through, and signed by, Johanne Agerskov in 1938.
I would be interested to know if any others had received such copy or had heard of this 'Open Letter'.
By Diamond Jim on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 06:36 am: |
Hello Colin.
May those who love you grow stronger in your light...
I acknowledge the desire you have to "share" and speak about the implications of knowing the truth in a world that does not want to hear it.
For the ones who have pondered TTL, read and re-read it . . . trying to envision how this story will play out from here on into the future - this is like keeping a candle lit in a small alcove.
Now many are starting to collaborate and work together - these are bonfires lit on the beaches.
Bravo for your bravado. Heartwarming it is, Colin.
It is my impression that the OPEN LETTER is not really that well known among the Danes (who have read VML) and among those who have read the text it seems to be whispered about in tones of awe . . . the "voice" of the tract is so intense and firm. Among English readers of TTL one might be able to say it is a rarity. My own view is that in 1938 the world was a very tense place . . . some day this will be a very important historical document.
Hold Fast Colin, and don't think about sittin' down . . . this dance is not over yet.
I would like to hear about your impressions of this letter.
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 11:56 am: |
This letter has caused me and others a lot of difficulties. When I first read it, I was horrified of the possibility, that God perhaps wanted, out of pain of following the earthly catastrophies, to cut the bondage between Him and mankind, perhaps for millions of years!
Then I was once introduced to a new thought of this letter by another TTL-reader: It might be a falsum, not created by evil will of Johanne Agerskov of course, but she might have been fooled like many others before and after her.
For a long time I believed this option to be true. And I even wrote something about it on my home-page. Having written this, another danish TTL-reader made a paper which opposed my view. In detail, based on scientific research, he described, what would have happened, if the 3. world war would have accurred during the cold war. Nuclear winter etc.
Now I´ m pretty sure, that the open letter to the bishops is a genuine product of the Youngest, approved by God. What if the nazis had won the 2. world war? And in addition to this the 3. world war? The conditions could have been so bad, that none of the Youngest wanted to enter this world. And God might have taken away the divine element and said to the Youngest: "You don´ t have to incarnate now, as things have gone completely out of control. Stay here and wait!"
We may also think of the intense disappointment of God and the Youngest, seeing the very very poor reception TTL first got in our world.
And now? Is this possibility still likely or possible? I don´ t know. Perhaps God had to wait until the last of the by Ardor incarnated Eldest had died, with withdrawing the divine element, so that not more shadows could be created. It is my view, that this moment has now passed. Perhaps God is waiting again.
With the 11. september 2001 catastrophy things might yet go completely out of control. Last night I just heard, that president Bush has approved of spending 10 % more on their military defense. Pakistan/India, The Middle-East disaster, Chechnya, the voices of the west and the east are generally becoming more and more hateful between christians and muslims etc etc. Perhaps another world war is coming. And then there is the hidden war on embryos and foetuses...Millions upon millions of lives have been taken in the "just cause of legal abortion". Cloning, therapeutical so called...You name the disaster and catastrophy - the Earth has got it.
Personally I´ m getting tired. I feel overwhelmed by evil from all sides. And no one wants to know of the only possible cure: The forgiveness of Ardor. Still: I feel, that God and the Youngest have given it another last try in this era. Soon soon, I feel, TTL must break through, otherwise...If humans don´ t want help as offered but will continue to live in hate, war and violence, then perhaps there is simply nothing we can do. Then all of our sufferings, disappointments, frustration, pain and sorrows would all be just in vain. Then let humans follow their own paths, until we´ re back at where we started. Then we might be able to be more succesful at our aim at bringing humans at rest and peace in Gods loving embrace. Then we did not have to fight the Eldest so directly as before, the etherrecordings etc.
I would very much like to hear your view on this. Which path do you think will be followed? Which one do you wish?
Love to you all
By Mara Vazquez-Rest on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 05:40 pm: |
I also have read this letter, I filed it away somewhere but I am going to look for it. I remember being disturbed by the prospect of God cutting the bondage and could barely belief that he would consider this, but in the light of what came to pass in the 2. world war he sure had reasons. I thought the letter was well written, even though it might have been too forceful for some of it's recipients. I wonder if anyone responded to it?
Now I know deap in my heart, that God has not left and I don't believe he will. When you let the world get to you too much it is easy to be drawn into the darkness, so it is all the more important, more than ever before, to be vigilant in our prayers and stay with the truth and the light and ask for guidance at all times. Well, you don't have to ask all the time of course, just know and trust that you will be guided, and to be fearless.
To enter the heart of the heart, to not despair. Yes, times are dark, but the eldest are gone, and we, each one of us, has the power to make a difference. Never underestimate the power of prayer and thought.
Another book that has helped me greatly in this time is the book "Letters of the Scattered Brotherhood", published by Mary Strong. The authors of these letters are not known, but I am sure they (or he) must have been one of the youngest, it is great advice on how to stay strong and with God in the face of adversary and difficult times, written during the 2. world war.
I don't think that God would turn away as long as there are some of us here that pray for help and work vigilantly to bring the world a step closer to the light.
I would love to keep going, but I have to go.
Stay strong and in the light, and lets help each other.
Love to all,
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 07:05 pm: |
Dear Mara
Thanks a lot for your comforting words. Yes, at times I myself get very pessimistic about things. But you´ re absolutely right: We must stay strong in thoughts and prayers. We should not, as I sometimes do, fall into despair.
And perhaps we should also, when thinking of this letter, remember the words of Gods Servant in TTL (here quoted from memory): "His (Gods) love for you is infinite, and His patience without limits!"
Thanks again, Mara. You have made a black day of mine a little brighter.
Love from
By Colin M. on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 07:29 pm: |
Hello all,
I found the 'Letter' to be quite interesting on many fronts and have had views and revised them and asked for guidance for my opinions many times.
I too feel it is 'genuine' although the more I examine it I sometimes feel a little voyeuristic.
The tone to me seems to be chastizing more than anything else and directed with great accuracy at the Danish clergy - and not really to others - thus the 'voyeur' feeling.
It is definitely 'harsher' in some respects but in light of what happened when the 'two years' had passed without significant - if any - response from those it was directed towards I also feel the harshness - if only to try and stimulate within the Danish clergy an understanding of the seriousness of the coming situation - was warranted.
Even within the harshness though the Light and Love shines through strongly and I cannot see any 'human' capable of such clarity so this is another reason I too doubt it could be a 'false' message.
I also feel the section on the mention of the 'possibility' that Father would turn his back on his children was only mentioned as that - a possibility - and more likely perchance a cry from the soul of the Youngest bringing the message showing his/her feeling of urgency.
I actually found a more disturbing to me statement in another section - which reads "...simply ask whether it is your serious belief that human beings can be transformed from sinful creatures into angels from one moment to the next!! FOR NOTHING SUCH CAN EVER OCCUR! Century after century, milennium after milennium must generations be born and die before any really significant improvement can be expected."
If it wasn't for the next sentence - which I feel can be taken by everyone as solace and not just the Danish clergy to whom it was directed - I would have been really disheartened. That sentence which reads "But if YOU accomplish the mission that our Father has laid upon you, then YOU will have taken the first steps toward the improvement of human beings and the achievement of less hard conditions for them during their lives on Earth." - seems to coincide with - and offers Light at the end of the tunnel as it were -a similar 'chastizing' of the Danish church in Q&A and which I mentioned in another conversation - "But perhaps the coming reformation in a not too distant future will be carried forward by the demanding sentiment and will of the people, and in that case it will not be for the clergy to carry the palms of victory."
So as always, Father provides the choices, we choose which one we are ready for.
I know Father would never turn his back on those who do understand and those who have forgiven our older brother Ardor, and never on the innocents, and I know that once the Truth and the knowledge has been learned and accepted while in the physical plane it will NEVER be taken from those that learned and accepted - but in examination of those late night thoughts I do wonder and can actually seem to understand how Father could let 'time drag on' until those that have not and will not for many lives accept the Truth, have grown so tired of resisting and have through so many repeated journeys home been spoken to by friends and former family members and perhaps their 'Dual', and found themselves so lonely at the absence of those of their brothers and sisters that have gone on ahead to other 'homes' while they langushed behind, and slowly had their thoughts and wills strengthened to the point that Father once again 'begins' with those.
So not really an abandonement nor even a punishment, just a lesson if you will.
It is said that the true test of insanity is to repeatedly do the same thing and expect a different result. If humankind continues to repeatedly seek darkness even after 'milennium after milennium' and by doing so expects happiness - that in itself may be enough of a shock value for us/them/everyone to really approach God as Father and apologize for causing Him pain.
I have known several mothers that have a method of dealing with an incalcitrant child that is so very effective. It is to show great sadness at something the child has done. Not punishing or anger - just great sadness. The difference in the alacrity of the child to console his/her mother in response to her sadness when compared to the reaction of the child when yelled at or punished is to me amazing. Within seconds most children are themselves crying and apologizing and promising to never do that thing again if only their mother will stop crying. If the mother just sits and silently cries without acknowledging the child's presence for a time - a greater bond seems to be born between mother and child and the child will strive mightily so that they will not see their mother cry again.
Even in adulthood, the most hardened criminal can be reduced to that child if they see their mother cry.
Maybe it is necessary for humankind to see Father's pain before we are shocked into the change.
I believe it would cause Father the greatest anguish to allow the 'lesson'. But, just as the love of the greatest 'physical' mother would never allow her to do other than use the 'lesson' as a lesson and never completely abandon her child simply because of an error of 'judgement' - in no wise would or could Father abandon his children for even a moment - it would just seem so to us.
But in spite of all that is going on around us all, a 'step' has been made and each step I feel will 'dry' one of Father's tears.
But perhaps to me the greatest 'sadness' in the 'Letter' relates to the mention that if the task given to the Danish clergy by Father was not accomplished - "...THEN WILL HE NEVER AGAIN CALL UPON THE DANISH PEOPLE, FOR THEN WILL YOU - THE ECCLESIASTICAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE - HAVE SHOWN YOURSELVES UNWORTHY OF HIS TRUST."
I know from deep in my heart that there was a reason Father chose the Danish people to first receive the Truth. I of course have absolutely no idea what that reason was but there was a reason and that is enough for me - and now that chance is lost.
And the next sentence should cause us all to feel great joy as it has come about "Our father might then find other ways in which to spread His Message in the earthly world, for example through translation into other languages,..." So Father has not abandoned us and is using another way and is trying again, and once started I cannot see Him stop until he has taken advantage of ALL the other languages. Mayhaps at that time, when the Truth has been translated into all languages and all have been faced with the opportunity and if His Message is still rejected - maybe then he will decide to use the 'lesson' - but he will never abandon us.
So bless those that work, often through immense difficulty, to translate the Truth into other languages as it seems to be the sign of hope that Father has chosen to try again and the 'POSSIBILITY' that Father may "..sever all connection with humanity for a long, long period of time -PERHAPS FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS..." has already passed and will not happen.
My, I do ramble on.
By Carsten Ploug Olsen on Friday, January 11, 2002 - 07:31 pm: |
Just a little afterthought
Deep in my heart (as I have now searched on this issue like you did, Mara) I feel, that it was never Gods intention of leaving us. It´ s simply impossible. The more black the world gets, the more He will intensify His help, I´ m sure. And that´ s all there is to it, I feel.