By Mara Vazquez-Rest on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 03:01 am: |
Hello again everyone,
I am really enjoying using this board.
In TTL, in the Commentary, question 3, there is a description of the whole universe, and though I get the general idea, I wonder if there is anyone out there who drew a picture of it, I would love to see it layed out correctly. Also, if someone has any more studies or thoughts on the matter. Any idea which one is our mother sun, since it is actually visible?
Thanks for any answers, I so much LOVE to be able to pose questions like this.
Lots of love,
By Pali on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 04:36 pm: |
Dear Mara,
I hope the following drawing can help you and other interested TTL readers to better understand how the universe is constructed. The section (see page 168 in the English edition) that causes the greatest problem for most people is: ”The mother suns are positioned in pairs directly across from each other on either side of the Central Sun; when the Central Sun and the four mother suns are all in opposition, an imaginary line passes through the centres of the four suns and the Central Sun.” If one compare the text with the map below, it is very easy to understand. I actually do not think that the scientists have discovered our mother sun yet (one of the four).
With love,
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 07:35 pm: |
Hello all,
Yes, this is it Pali, thank you for publishing the drawings!
Actually, a few of us are fairly sure that "Pistol Star" (sorry about the name - they didn't ask us!) would be the mother sun of our galaxy. You may admire a digitally improved photo of it at
This enormous star was discovered - actually spotted by the space telescope Hubble - in 1997. Its position (it cannot be directly seen from the Earth) corresponds to the indications in TTL page 170: "At that time the mother sun will be visible low in the southwestern sky."
It is interesting to note the discussion concerning the use of the word "visible" in this sentence. In fact, Johanne Agerskov's spiritual guide later told her that "visible" was not really the correct word. It would have been better to say "At that time it can be determined that the mother sun's position is low in the southwestern sky".
Interesting also, that Pistol Star has been found in a place which is presumably the centre of our galaxy. But here the researchers do not agree, all of them, because many of them still expect to find a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.
By Mar a Vazquez-Rest on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 08:50 pm: |
Thank you so much, Pali and Ulla an Robert Kelemen who emailed me the link to the swedish board, for your information, this clarifies a lot, especially seeing the dimensions of it all. I can not tell you how happy I am I found this board, this makes my day, almost as good as having someone to talk to about it.
I already feel I must be one of the happiest people alive, how can you not, knowing the Truth?
Lots of love,
By Pali on Thursday, January 24, 2002 - 02:10 pm: |
Dear ’Diamond Jim’,
Thank you for your kind words and your beautiful image on the Swedish discussion board. First I did not recognise the Drottningholm Library “behind” all the wonderful flowers in Bellingham Gardens, but then I looked closer and saw the chairs and the bookcases in the wall. Magnificent job, Jim!
My two greatest hobbies in life are to study the universe and gardening (I probably lived in England in a previous life J). Bearing your wonderful image in mind, you must have an excellent intuition, Jim; an ancient library and a lovely garden, you could not have chosen a better picture for me.
However, many scientists have a tendency to ignore their intuition and only think in a strictly three-dimensionell way. If you study or work with the universe, and want to make progress, you simply have to take the fourth dimension into consideration. Unfortunately, most scientists today don’t, they only believe in what they can se. Great parts of their right brain almost seem to be “blocked”. In order to visualise how “twisted” the astronomy on Earth is at present I would like to present a picture by the Swedish artist O. Reutersvärd. Look closely. The image can of course also symbolise how “twisted” the different religions are, for instance.
Finally, I would like to add one thing; the “map” above – of the universe – is not totally accurate. The four mother sun systems should have been smaller in comparison to the size of the Central sun, but then they would not have been visible on the computer screen.
I really hope you are right, Jim: may the Light grow stronger!
By Diamond Jim on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 02:32 am: |
Analogies of the Fourth Dimension
Pali, I noted your reference to the fourth dimension . . . always a challenging concept to grasp The following text was something I wrote in 2000. The theme of this piece is about an inner committment to assist the dawn of Light that is washing over the material world. In the imagery of the prayer I make reference to one of the few metaphors (that I know of in western culture) that illustrates a principle of the fourth dimension . . . the one-hundredth monkey
The time has come, we are aware of the goal.
The signs are there for us to see and the tools are in our hands, who among us ? as spirits inhabiting bodies ? has focused their intent on breaking the hold of this curse on love. We have of dreamed this . . . but have we applied our will to this undertaking? have we envisioned this act in the same way that we expect the sun to rise tomorrow?
In our hearts, have we turned towards the east with this noble expectation?
Do we have the will to banish the darkness; we shiver in our bodies at the thought of this confrontation. Who will step forward as man and as woman to say . . . I will ? we will.
How long will it be before we acknowledge the higher powers moving within us, will we accept the task, not alone but in a concerted action begun long, long ago.
The light is the living principle on this planet, yet so many are convinced that we are but the shadows cast on the wall at the back of the cavern, we only know ourselves as outlines bounded by the darkness.
Once the existence of the light is known it will become a contagion, the balance will be tipped ? as it was in Berlin when the "Wall" fell ? when the citizens understood that gaining their freedom was as simple as walking over the line that darkness had drawn . . . once these souls believed that the line was gone, the darkness was vanquished.
The one-hundredth monkey will wash it's fruit in the sea and none will want do otherwise once this is done. Evil has no direction, no purpose anymore. We will learn not to accept injustice, brutality, greed or cruelty - acting out these blights on humanity will end ? not because of a stronger force brought to bear on us ? this will happen because the love within us will not accept these acts being perpetrated on ourselves or on others.
Our choices will be ones that confirm that this life is worth living, that we are possessed of a right to exist, a right to be. We will act as if this fact is undeniable and others will recognize this and decide to wash their fruit in the sea as well. We must declare to God that we know, that we are convinced that love is stronger than death and we will ? when confronted by the lines drawn by acts of darkness ? walk over towards the Light. We will not falter.
The Vow of the Shorter Road*
We seek to end the religious chaos on earth using the direct and comprehensive guidance given to us in the works of Toward the Light. We recognize the hand of God in the spirit of the times and rejoice for the millions who desire the truth. We pledge ourselves to the goal: the rejection of all existing beliefs in favour of a true and deep acknowledgement of God as the Creator and Father of the human spirit.
We pledge ourselves to accept with joy and gratitude the messages contained in Toward the Light and to help others to respect that which is innermost in the human spirit and that which the spirit longs to meet in life on earth - love.
*adapted from Toward the Light
English translation by Kai Prior, 1975
'Diamond' Jim
April 30, 2000
The story of the one-hundredth monkey is usually found used as an analogy (of a kind of evolutionary change) in books that push the boundaries of empirical science. The story goes like this. There once was a scientist who was studying a species of monkey that lived on a chain of islands off the coast of Japan. The scientist's work ranged over numerous islands where he spent his time observing the separate bands of monkeys on each island. On one of these islands, one of the female monkeys had the habit of washing her food in the sea before she ate it, it so happened that the offspring of this monkey learned this practice, later on . . . many of the monkeys on that island eventually started to wash their food this way . . . the fourth dimensional idea comes into play when the one-hundredth monkey starts to wash their food off in the sea and at this point the monkees on all of the other islands start taking up the practice . . . an idea becomes transmitted in a manner that transcends the geography seperating the islands. I am not proposing that this is a true principle, in fact, I am more attracted to it as a story than as a representation of fact. The concept that an idea can reach a "critical-mass" in the collective consciousess of a society . . . this is what this fourth dimensional analogy means to me.
Does any one else have an example?.
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 03:02 pm: |
Examples abound, Jim. How about this -
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.
--Victor Hugo, Histoire d'un Crime (1852)
- though here we are already into philosophical observation of the 'monkey' principle. By the way - the monkey washing their food is a true story - it really happened/happens. At the time, the scientists observing the phenomenon were rather mystified. (I gather they still are: they have observed this happening, but they cannot explain it.) It is simply how the animals' astral brain works: what is useful for the species will transfer astrally, become astral traces and so are 'picked up' by the rest of the species.
Love & Light to all,
By Diamond Jim on Tuesday, February 19, 2002 - 05:32 am: |
Thank you Ulla, very precise with your example and more thanks for the illumination on the science (of light) behind the monkey business.
That Victor Hugo quote inspires me to create one here on the spot . . .
The fourth-dimensional ratio of humanity is one to one to One.
-- 'Diamond' Jim Garden of the Light Cafe, (2002)
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 05:28 pm: |
The concept that an idea can reach a "critical-mass" in the collective consciousess of a society . . . this is what this fourth dimensional analogy means to me.
Hm, yes Jim, this is quite true… at least theoretically. I mean, the animals function in quite a different manner from humans. I saw a very interesting television broadcast the other night – it was about human behaviour. For instance, a group of people were sitting in a waiting room. Then seemingly a fire broke loose in the room next door, and smoke began to sift into the waiting room. Among the persons in there, only one was not informed that it was an experiment – and that he/she was the guinea pig… None of the informed persons reacted to the smoke, only the ‘guinea pig’ would react. Some of the guinea pigs would resign themselves and be convinced that evidently there was no danger, as none of the other persons present moved or reacted in any other way… Only one guinea pig out of many actually rose and left the waiting room, thinking the others crazy to just sit there. Had the fire been real, the persons in the waiting room would have died from intoxication within ten minutes… but about 99% of them never moved – because the others didn’t…
Such is the influence of “the group” on the average human being. Humans are not accustomed to thinking for themselves – they would rather join the group.
This takes me straight to Answer no. 72 in “Questions and Answers II” concerning the strange behaviour of the Youngest who were supposed to help VML on its way in the 1920ies. Johanne Agerskov’s spiritual guide says:
“…But there is much to indicate that the earlier line of development that was interrupted by the arbitrary incarnations of the Eldest must now be continued along the same path. For in recent decades a multitude of God’s emissaries - the incarnated Youngest - have taken a strange attitude toward the human beings whose spiritual development they were to lead during their life on Earth. For rather than lead others, they allow themselves to be led by the dominant contemporary “mainstreams” in their evaluation of religious sects and of the various forms of art, literature and, in a few cases, science. These “trends” of the present — this contemporary “culture”, or whatever one may choose to call it - are due partly to the decadent leadership of the Eldest incarnated by Ardor, and partly to advanced, incarnated human spirits who in their earthly existence consider themselves capable of bringing new life to the numerous art forms or religions, and in this way seek to impress upon the “spirit of the times” the individual characteristic and stamp of their personal spiritual level. It goes without saying that if the incarnated Youngest are unable to impart to their fellow human beings the full understanding that contemporary taste, numerous forms of contemporary entertainment and the culture of the times, as well as the teachings of the Church, bear the stamp of decadence, their leadership is then of little value. It goes without saying that if the leaders fall into step with the common people and take cover behind their broad backs, if the leaders relinquish their leadership to those of spiritual mediocrity, or to those whose intelligence is below average, then God has no use for His emissaries, for then they are of no value for the work they were to carry out. For the leadership of the Youngest should aim far beyond today, far beyond the boundary of contemporary life. …”
Wasn’t it much the same thing that happened, as in the case of the fake fire? The incarnated Youngest simply fell in step with ‘ordinary’ humanity… The darkness lay upon them so heavily that they – even they – disregarded the voice of their conscience.
Another example of how the fourth dimension enters our everyday life is when we step back, apparently intuitively – and a roof tile or something else comes crashing down, landing in the spot where we stood just a fraction of a second before… Often, people like to think that such incidents see the active intervention of our guardian angel – but this is not always true. It may be that our guardian spirit helps us in such cases, but more often it is our own superior consciousness that becomes aware of the danger and thus takes advantage of the automatic functions of our astral counterpart – which will move given any impulse from the rest of our being. It is the same thing that happens, when we know a moment before it happens, exactly who is going to phone us. This is the spiritual brain at work. I have always found more interesting those chapters of TTL that explain how our three brains work – we still have so much to learn.
Pensively & with Love,
[Dear Robert - we talk and talk and talk... when is the coffee going to arrive? C'mon... If your servants have the day off, you might for instance serve it yourself...;-)]
By Diamond Jim on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 06:37 pm: |
Well said Ulla, I hope I am one of those who yell FIRE! This idea of an "idea whose time has come" intrigues me. In this thread of discussion we have being referencing the "effects" of the fourth dimension in the material world . . . Pali provided the visual examples, Ulla the literary ones . . . I attempted to use the images of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the 100th monkey to illustrate the contagiousness of thought (or as Ulla astutely pointed out in the case of the monkees -- reverberations on the astral level). I propose we will soon witness a "live" example of the fourth dimensional repercussions of the release of powerful ideas in the collective psyche. I am speaking of the release of Alanis Morrisette's new CD project, UNDER THE RUG SWEPT. This young woman is directly addressing a message into the collective psyche with her song Utopia, here are the lyrics
we'd gather around all in a room
fasten our belts engage in dialogue
we'd all slow down rest without guilt
not lie without fear disagree sans jugement
we would stay and respond and expand and include
and allow and forgive and enjoy and evolve
and discern and inquire and accept and admit
and divulge and open and reach out and speak up
this is utopia this is my utopia
this is my ideal my end in sight
utopia this is my utopia
this is my nirvana
my ultimate
we'd open our arms
we'd all jump in
we'd all coast down into safety nets
we would share and listen and support and welcome
be propelled by passion not invest in outcomes
we would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
be gentle and make room for every emotion
we'd provide forums
we'd all speak out
we'd all be heard
we'd all feel seen
we'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful
we would heal be humbled and be unstoppable
we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which
we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe
The "live" example of an idea travelling through society is sometimes referred to as an "Urban myth". I believe that the nature of this song will spark something . . . a dialogue of sorts . . . perhaps I should simply let the artist speak. The text below was excerpted from Alanis's music label's website. The CD will be offically released on Feb. 26th.
"I think there?s an amazing opportunity and challenge presented by our differences," says Alanis. "I feel men and women offer each other the chance to be more integrated and healed in the embracing of each other. So, too, do I believe this to be the case when it comes to different cultures (as in the East and the West, etc) and religions and races?I feel like these relationships hold an amazing, blessed spiritual opportunity to define ourselves in accordance to each other, and to tangibly feel our having been cut from the same spiritual cloth, and to feel more whole."
"On a more personal level I believe that relationships of all kinds, but particularly romantic relationships, are one of the best and surest ways for our souls to evolve," she says.
Alanis? favorite (although not her only) way to express her desire to contribute is in the form of music. "I have always believed that the personal is the political, is the global, is the social?as the issues that underlie what can be viewed as microcosmic versions (i.e.: a relationship between two people) are the same kinds of conflicts and issues that underlie the global wars and social unrest we see in our world. While I believe great changes can be made on a global level through collective efforts, I also see putting our efforts into understanding and resolving conflict in our most immediate relationships as being the hugest and most pivotal of first steps to understanding the rest of the world, and doing so."
And so . . . what of it, what is the value of Alanis's message. I think that she is pointing towards the healing of relationships, immediate relationships and this healing can only make conditions in the world better. I am with her . . . I want to see the relationship between the sexes on this planet to become a partnership of equality and mutual support, in many, many places around the world this is NOT the way it is.
I will close these comments with a snippet of a conversation between the author (Graham Hancock) of a book entitled the Fingerprints of the Gods and Robert Bauval, a self-styled expert on the design of the pyramids . They are theorizing origins of the great pyramids at Giza, speculating that the pyramid can act as a type of machine.
'What's your guess?' I asked Bauval 'What do you think the the purpose of the pyramid builders might have been?'
'They didn't do it because they wanted an an eternal tomb,' he replied firmly. 'In my view, they had no doubts at all that they would eternally live. They did it -whoever did it - transmitted the power of their ideas through something that is to all intents and purposes eternal. They succeeded in creating a force that is functional in itself, provided you understand it, and that force is the questions it challenges you to ask. My guess is that they knew the human mind to perfection. They knew the game of ritual . . . they knew they could initiate people far ahead in the future into their way of thinking even though they couldn't be there themselves. They knew that they could do this by creating an eternal machine, the function of which was to generate questions.'
Well, Alanis will ask the world a question how will we answer . . . let us watch and see?
"we'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful
we would heal be humbled and be unstoppable" A.M.
all for now, in the Light
'Diamond' Jim