By Ginger on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 12:35 am: |
I am puzzled with some of the statements concerning the Thought and the Will. I appreciate anyone who could help me on this matter as followed. Thank you all very much. Love, Ginger
---#1 " in the darkness was the light;... in the light were thought and will, but thought and will were not in the darkness "
---#2 " between the two primal forces, on the boundary between light and darkness, rested thought and will... "
---if we could use the apple as an example to explain the #1 as the following:
primal cosmos is------the apple
darkness is-----------the skin an meat of the apple
light is--------------the core
thought and will is---the seeds
---then, how could we understand the concept #2 as above???, and how could we intergrate #1 with #2 ???
By Colin M. on Friday, May 31, 2002 - 07:53 am: |
Hello Ginger,
One can only perhaps mention how they visualized the statements themselves.
I see it as a limitless nothingness filled with darkness - essentially just a black everything. In the center I see a transparent, white ball formed from light.
As I approach I note two distinct yet undefined shapes - sort of shimmering sparkles - Thought and Will. These shapes are opposite from each other within this ball - separated as far as possible from each other and yet still being inside the ball - but at the very edge of the boundary.
I see it this way because it was easier for me to understand the requirement for 'balanced' attraction so that the possibility for being attracted by either the light or the darkness was equal.
When Thought and Will began then to move toward each other I see them as approaching each other toward the center of the ball with then their meeting at the center and the appearance of God.
I carry this further to the 'Big Bang' theory actually as the appearance of God in my mind then becomes that massive explosion as the energy released at that moment accompanied by just enough release of that energy by God so that the Light could reach each point in the above mentioned limitless nothingness - blasting into non-existence as much Darkness as possible along the way.
For myself, this visualization made everything align in not only this case - but I find visualization clarifies many other points in the Books especially relating to the period mentioned up to the 'approved' written history.
By Robert K. on Friday, May 31, 2002 - 06:46 pm: |
Hello Ginger,
I understand if you are puzzled with some of the statements concerning primal Thought and primal Will. These issues are very abstract and call for great mental exertion. I would like to refer to question no. 58 in the second Supplement to TTL (on page 83 – in the English edition of course). It is much easier to understand these difficult things if one draw a picture of primal Thought, primal Will, the Light and the Darkness, please read and follow the second section carefully.
I hope that this can be of some help.
By Ginger on Sunday, June 02, 2002 - 07:53 pm: |
Dear Colin and Robert, I thank you both very much for the help. Now that I go back to certain parts of The Books as you have suggested, i realize that there are still quite many portions of the Books that I had purposefully skipped before when i first came across them. I just learn that I got to take some more time to go back and read thru all the materials over and over again. I have to admit that I am still very much facinated by them. And I will be eternally grateful to Our Dearest Heavenly Father and Mother GOD, all the heavenly leaders of mankind, and Joanne and Michael Agerskov for revealing and bringing the great Message to us as well as to those who had worked so hard to translate them into English for us a few decades ago. Thank you all very much. Take care and God bless. Love, ginger
By Diamond Jim on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 01:21 am: |
Ginger, adding to Robert's suggestion of Question 58 in the second supplement I would point to Question 22 (First Supplement to Toward the Light) . . . in this answer there is a very good (right-brain) explantion that, as an artist, I think you will appreciate. And please post pictures when you have worked it out, yes this can be done.
By Ginger on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 12:37 am: |
I had read question 58 on P.83 in the second supplement several times as dear Robert first suggested. I am still frustrated to tell you all here that I failed to make a drawing from that content. All those terms such as: a line from here to there, bysecting, one third, or this pole or that pole...etc indeed driving me crazy that I just could not make sense in a drawing within a big circle. H-e-l-p !!!
I truly admire Who is that--who did a drawing on the subject of Universe a while ago.
Was that you, Ulla ?
Hi, Ulla, my name is Ginger. I have heard a lot about you from my dear friend Harry from Florida. He has told me that i could email you with whatever questions that i might have concerning TTL long time ago. I guess that the reason that i have'n bother you ever since is because he has also warned me that you are extremely busy among so many other things that your are doing in your life. Nevertheless, I am glad to see that you are pretty active here at the forum. N-i-c-e t-o m-e-e-t you !!!!
---Alright, I would apprecitate that somebody would help me to draw the picture out of the content as mentioned above. Okay ??? ---Please !!!
As for the one on question 22, dear Jim, I don't know what do you mean by asking me to post the pictures. I do not think that anyone here would have any problem of imaging an apple or drawing an apple for themselves, right?! Please let me know what do you mean by that.
Thank you all very much. i am looking forward to seeing a drawing on question 58 p. 83 here soon. H-e-l-p...!
Love, Ginger
By Robert K. on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 03:18 pm: |
Hello again Ginger,
Please read the text under the drawing and follow the numbering (do not forget to look at the drawing now and then J). I think this will clarify the primal Thought, primal Will problem.
Here we go…
1. The primordial power called the Light rested as a faintly luminous globe in the surrounding Darkness. The shape of the globe was perfectly circular. In this globe of Light rested the two latent ”cores of the poles”. If one imagines this globe projected as a circle with primal Thought as a tangent at the left, and primal Will as a tangent at the right of the circumference of the circle, a line can be drawn from the Thought through the core of one pole to the centre of the circle, and from there through the core of the other pole to the Will. Both cores of the poles in the projected drawing should lie one third of the distance along the bisecting line – the diameter – from the Thought and the Will respectively.
2. When primal Thought and primal Will simultaneously responded to the radiations of the surrounding Darkness, their movement into the Light and toward each other began.
3. But at the same time the powers of both Light and Darkness awoke slowly to an ever rising activity. The radiance of both primal forces automatically increased in strength and intensity of energy manifestation each time Thought and Will moved further into the Light. One should therefore visualize how the Darkness that encompassed the globe of Light would, from time to time encroach upon the area of this Light-globe like gigantic ”tentacles”. These tentacles sent out rays of Darkness over the Thought and the Will in order to draw both of them back, and into the Darkness.
4. When Thought and Will each reached the core of their respective poles with which they became united, these poles awoke from their latent state, became vitalized and were transformed from a ”polar core” to a male (positive) and a female (negative) pole, respectively. At the union of primal Will with the core of its pole, it acquired so much strength and energy that it was able to repel the radiations of Darkness from the right-hand side of the globe of Light. This primal force thus withdrew its tentacles from the Light and retracted them into itself. But since the Will was still far away from the female pole, it was impossible for it to repel the radiations of Darkness that penetrated the globe of Light from the opposite side of its area. The tentacles and radiations of Darkness thus pursued the Thought on its way in toward the centre of the Light and forward toward the Will. And in this way Darkness impeded the self-purification of the Thought. But sustained by the power of attraction of the ever-nearer approaching pole of the Will, the Thought moved – with longer or shorter pauses – continually forward until its full self-purification was accomplished. (This must be visualized as having occurred in the immediate proximity of the centre).
5. The poles of Thought and Will then moved simultaneously into the centre of the globe of Light – their union was complete, and God arose as a personal Being, as the centre of the universe.
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - 07:38 pm: |
Great, Robert! You have produced just the right "apple" for us all to enjoy! ;-) Thank you so much.
Dear Ginger,
Nice to meet you, too! It is a great pleasure to see that you have joined us here at the Amelius Forum. This is probably the best place where to ask any question concerning VML - as you have probably already discovered by now. So go ahead and ask! You are welcome to e-mail me privately true, I am busy, but then - aren't we all? :-)However, if you have specific VML-questions, others will be able to share the answers directly, if you post your enquiries here.
Actually, it was our Swedish friend Pali who posted the drawing of the universe - an accurate and most welcome clarifying picture, just as Robert's drawing above. Alas, I am much less skilled in the art of digital drawing.
We shall be looking forward to more of your questions, Ginger!
By Ginger on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 12:52 am: |
Thank you very much, Dear Robert, for the great drawing. You are indeed a great teacher with great patience. Thank you very much for your step by step explanation.
#1. what kind of poles are referred here as the so called "cores of the poles" ?
Do they refer to the pole of the Thought and the pole of the Will respectively ?
#2. if it was so, then--why were both of the Thought and the Will were originally "on the boundary between Light and Darkness", namely were tangent at the left and at the right while the cores, or the poles were "rested" inside the globe instead ?....
Please forgive my dummy questions. And I am looking forward for more enlightment. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your generous words and encouragement, dear Ulla.
Harry told me that you are translating TTL into Italian or something. It is a huge job, isn't it? Personally, I am thinking about trying to translate them into Chinese someday after consulting with some publishers back in Taiwan. I do need and certainly can learn from your experience and use your encouragement.
It is great that we have the forum here to enable us to communicate with one another. I am very grateful for "the Amelius Publishing House" for providing us the discussion Board. Thank you all very much.
Take care and God bless.
Love, ginger
By Robert K. on Friday, June 07, 2002 - 07:13 pm: |
Dear Ginger,
Thank you for your kind words.
When we are discussing the books of Toward the Light, there is no such a thing as ”dummy questions” J. Your question is relevant and justified. But I am not so sure that anyone but God (or perhaps his twelve helpers) fully can answer your question. We must bear in mind the words of the Youngest regarding this question ”No further information on this subject can be given from the transcendental world.”
Question # 1. When we talk about ”cores of the poles” – as seen in the drawing above – we are talking about poles ”in a latent state”. But when Thought and Will each reached the core of their respective poles with which they became united, these poles awoke from their latent state, became vitalized and were transformed from a ”polar core” to a female (negative) and a male (positive) pole, respectively (see the drawing above, especially the direction of the two arrows).
Question # 2. Exactly why the poles were lying one third of the distance along the bisecting line – the diameter – from the Thought and the Will respectively, I do not know; and I don’t think any man or woman here on Earth can give a correct answer to that. But remember, these poles were latent poles – nothing else – before Thought and Will reached them and ”activated” them. If we go to page 160, section 5, in Toward the Light we can read what should have happened if ”the Dark side” had won: ”If Thought and Will had not succeeded in uniting with each other, and if Thought-Will as a united power had not triumphed, so that the divine Being could arise, then the energy and brightness of the Light, at the moment when Thought and Will were no longer able to attract and retain each other, would once more have begun to diminish, while Darkness would have gained in strength and in radiative power until slowly but inevitably it would have absorbed the Light [in other words, the globe of Light would have vanished completely, but the ”cores of the poles” would have remained, Robert K:s note]. Forced by Darkness, Thought and Will would then have drawn forth the latent poles of Darkness. These activated poles would then – through eternities – have slowly attracted each other until, at the moment of their merging, a being would have arisen who would in every respect have been the antithesis of God”
I hope these words and the example above will make the Primal Cosmos topic at least somewhat easier to understand.
By GINGER on Saturday, June 08, 2002 - 02:20 am: |
Dear Robert,
Thank you very much again for your help.
It appears that you have read thru the three Golden Fruits in their entirety and know them inside out and outside in. It is very impressive indeed.
Now here, if you allow me to go ahead with another question regarding "the creation of a new human spirit" as following:
Since in the big Book P.180 says that God had imparted eternal life to "the ENTIRE human race" --to the shadows as well as to those who lived on Earth WHEN he FIRST made the fallen angels' imperfect creatures His own children,
---Why and why then there have been newly-created human spirits created and increased in number continuously afterward until....???
---Why is there a link with the death or survival of the last incarnated Eldest on Earth? ---Did those unrepented fallen angels still continue to create new "lifeless" humans on earth from the scratch ever since... even after God's FIRST MOVE as mentioned above, that God have to contine engifting those "new" shadows with eternal life so as to create new human spirits on and on ???
---Did or do the offsprings of the incarnated eldest have thought and will?
By Robert K. on Sunday, June 09, 2002 - 11:57 am: |
Hello Ginger,
The answers to your four questions can all be found in Toward the Light. I will show you to the right pages and passages. Please read them in peace and quiet and you will found what you are seeking.
See page 12–15; 178–180*; chapter 7 in the Commentary, especially the first, third and the fourth section. Regarding your ”link question”, see the first section in chapter 5, page 178; and section one and two on page 322.
The answer to your last question is yes, of course they have – otherwise they would be like ”robots”. Ever since God took the human beings into his care, every man and woman on Earth are equipped with thought and will. (As an example, see page 276 line 8 to 26.)
* On page 180, line 27, there is a translation error. The right translation is: ”...and partly by adopting the human spirits thus formed into His Thought...”
By Ginger on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 06:28 am: |
I have just add a new message and sent it. But i did not see it actually got posted here. I could not help but wonder why.
By GINGER on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 07:06 am: |
--Now I see what i might do wrong here--hit the wrong key. So i have to start over and re-do my msg again.
After putting together all the messages concerning the engiftment of human spirit as our dear friend Robert has suggested, I think that I do somehow find the answer to one of my questions. I would try to put it out here "in my own words" as i see them:
--That if NONE of the YOUNGEST, or the ELDEST, or any OLD human spirit is "scheduled" to be incarntated when a conception occurs, a "BRAND NEW HUMAN SPIRIT" is thus created when the "ORIGINAL" engifted small spark of the Divine element together with the spiritual shroud of Light is released from the earthly body and at the same time condensed into an exact copy of the dead body.--Right???????
Please forgive me if i do wrong here. And i would welcome and appreciate any correction from all of you here. Thank you very much.
Here arises another stupid but pretty interesting question concerning "cloning".
--What is your take of it?
--Does "the cloned item" still carry on with the same or even lesser "faint spiritual light that inflowed into the human race and continues on into all their offspring eternal eons ago?
--Would God be so thrilled and still endow them with eternal life anyway?
Special thanks to Robert as always.
Take care and God bless.
Love, Ginger
"A BRAND NEW HUMAN SPIRIT" is thus created and released from the earthly body when it diesupon death if NONE of the YOUNGEST or the ELDEST, or any "old human spirit" is scheduled to be incarnated when a conception occurswhen the "ORIGINAL" small spark of the Divine element together with the spiritual shroud of Light is released and at the same time condensed into an exact copy of the dead body
By GINGER on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 07:12 am: |
Huh...I forgot to erase something that appeared on the bottom of the msg just sent. Please do not mind the last part which followed after my name as above.
Thanks and many apologizes from me to you all.
By Mara on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 06:35 am: |
Hi Ginger,
If cloning will ever be successfull I would imagine that the people will soon realize that no matter how much of the physical genetic makeup can be passed along the spirit is entirely it's own, meaning, should someone look just like his/her father/mother etc. he/she will still be the spirit that they are but I don't know a lot about cloning in detail.
So since now there are no more newly created spirits the clones would be already existing spirits.
By Ginger on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 02:26 am: |
Dear Mara,
Thank you very much for your input. It is very nice to hear from you. I hope that we could talk some more soon. Take care and God bless.
Love, Ginger
By ginger on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 02:59 am: |
It is nice to be able to talk and discuss my questions as well as my understanding about the "TOWARD THE LIGHT" with people here. Nevertheless, it appears to be not quite "complete" to me. i have the need, and i long to be abel to really understand all the Messages, knowledge and information pertained in these three books myself so that i could better sharing them with others someday.
I have over 1000 minute off-peak cell phone service available every month. If ANY-OF-YOU does not mind of me bugging you over the phone and would like to help me with further discussion, please email me at "GINGERKYDL@YAHOO.COM" and give me your number so that i could call you sometime after 8:00 pm pacific time during the week, and/or anytime in the weekends.
Your kindness and generosity is highly appreciated.Thanks.
Take care, and God bless us all.
Love, ginger
By Ulla S. Qvistgaard on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 10:50 am: |
Dear Ginger,
I understand that you are still rather "new" to TTL - meaning, you have not yet read the book quite as many times as other "inhabitants" of this Forum.
Still, numbers do not count: you may even have read it, say, ten times - and it would not be enough! There would still be questions not fully understood.
If I say so, it is not to put you down in any way - I am merely talking from my own experience. Just when I think I have understood something completely - I find myself discovering yet more phenomenal aspects of that very issue! I am quite certain that most readers of TTL have experienced the same.
While it would undoubtedly be nice to talk to you over the phone sometime, I do not think it would be easy to discuss e.g. the primal cosmos over the phone! Also, your pacific time causes a few problems to those of us who live in Europe - if I remember rightly, 8:00pm pacific time would mean 4:00am GMT - or 5:00am to Robert, Morten, Carsten, Susi and myself...
Anyway, in my experience reading the book, re-reading it - and reading it again, and then starting all over with a nice reading - is the only way to truly come to know TTL and discover the depth of its messages.
An example: In the above, there is a paragraph which you did not delete as you meant to. It made me smile, in a certain way, because it reminded me of some of my own brain-wrecking efforts to understand certain concepts explained in TTL. We have all been through this "ordeal" of wanting so much to understand everything instantly - but the breathtaking speed and confusion typical of today's stressed society do nothing to help us. We are so incredibly infused with wanting everything and wanting it NOW!
It is obvious that you so much want to understand - not lose precious time. There is, however, something said in TTL that should make us stop and think...
It is extraordinary how, even today after many readings of the book (I do not count them anymore), I still come to understand new concepts - or I learn how the things I thought I understood well continue to reveal new aspects, even more intricate details which open only to the eyes of those who really want to enter the true dimensions of the work. It is a process of growth to really read TTL. Its implicit, constant enhancement of what we have already learned, is "just" another of God's gifts to us: TTL is a timeless work which will always, but always offer new insights, no matter how many times we read it.
Most often we simply need to accept God's loving advice: Only those who are patient can be used.
Sometimes we simply have to say, oh well, I still don't get the meaning of X - let me continue; sooner or later I will discover what it is that I still don't get – perhaps the answer will come to me from a totally unexpected sentence somewhere else.
The solution is to be found in the book, this is for certain. It is somewhere in the book - and if we do not find it at once in TTL itself, Q&A will help us to see the matter from another point of view, often adding valuable inputs pointing to where we need to direct our attention.
So - read TTL once more, Ginger, and you will be surprised! (And again and again…)
By Mara on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 10:16 pm: |
Hi Ulla and Ginger,
I am experiencing the same things, every time I re-read TTL I discover whole new things and am surprised I did not really 'get it' like that before. Certain passages I have read over and over and even copies and posted on my computer or into my diary so as to constantly remind me.
I do love talking about it too with other people who have read and accepted TTL, so far there are just two people I can 'talk' to live.
I would love to chat with you some time, Ginger, I am on the East coast and have just moved into a new place. Soon i will get a phone for myself and then I will let you know the number. I just turned a single mother with my 10 month old son so there are some adjustments.
By Ginger on Saturday, June 29, 2002 - 03:47 am: |
Dear Ulla, Colin and Mara, and ... whoever may care,
Thank you A-L-L very much for your precious suggestions and advices. I will try to follow thru them all.
Ever since the Three Golden Fruits "accidently" dropped on my laps at the libray two or three years ago, I have been feeling very strongly and also have the desire to announce to the whole world that 'HERE IS THE ANSWERS TO OUR QUESTIONS AND THE TRUTH OF OUR ORIGIN AND H-I-S-T-O-R-Y'. I have been trying to ask people to check them out themselves, or/and trying to share a little bit here and there with whomever i come across ever since, even though I myself have not read all of them thoroughly over and over and over again like most of you here do.
I am very humble to leave my msgs here on the board in front of you all. I have yet a lot to learn from you all. And I appreciate all of your genuine and kind help, and your enduring patience with me.
Lately I have been trying to sort out some important msgs which have also interest me the most and to put them on the posters. Today I have just finished sorting them out and putting them in order. I am very happy about it.
I did not notice that most of you here are from outside of America even though you do message in English. I did not realize that until after i read Ulla's msg. It is understandable that there do exist the difficulty of a phone communication because the difference of time zone. Nevertheless, I do feel greatly comforted and human-like today upon reading Mara's msg as above. I am glad that there are some people here who are able to and do feel like to T-A-L-K about it L-I-V-E over the phone too, if possible.
Anyway, thank you "ALL" very much again for everything.
Take care and God bless.
In Love and Light,
P.S. Did anybody ever have the experience of struggling between the New Age teachings and the TTL?